South Yorkshire Times January 16, 1943
Youth’s Tragic Death
Many people in the village were shocked on Saturday morning to learn of the accident (reported elsewhere in this issue) which had befallen Mrs. M. Cusack and her assistant, Frank Smith (17), of 60, Loversall Street, Denaby Main. They were both removed to the Fullerton Hospital, where Smith died.
Smith had been employed by the firm of Messrs. Cusack Bros., of Denaby, in the milk business from leaving school, and Later when the business was taken over by the Doncaster Dairy Company he was also retained, along with Mrs. M. Cusack.
Smith was a member of the St. Alban’s community, and his one regret in connection with his work was that he was unable to attend his church as regularly as he wished. He was a smart and likeable lad, and his customers in the area in which he served deeply regret his death under such sad circumstances.