1889 Quarter 2


Child Drowned In Slop Tub At Denaby.

Industry and Commerce

Co-Operative Conference At Denaby Main – The Dividend Question.

The South Yorkshire Coalfield – Pits of the Future.

The Development of Conisbro’


Good Friday at Conisbro’

“Long Night” at Conisborough

Notes from Conisbro – Good Friday Prep – Quadrille Dance – Reynard’s Concert

Crime and Courts

His Wife in Drink.


Denaby Main Cricket Club – videos – Bowton’s Yard – Annie Laurie

Industry and Commerce

Denaby Main Colliery -The New Pit.

Meeting of Miners

Threatened Strike At Denaby Main – Trouble With The Pony Drivers.

Flameless Explosive Works at Denaby.

Conisborough Conservative Association.

Crime and Courts

A Rash Pit Lad.

Cruelty to a Pony at Denaby.

Local Court Cases – May 14th 1889

Local Court Cases – May 20th 1889

Local Court Cases &new – May 27th, 1889


Denaby Main 46  White Lane 74 – Local Cricket Scores

Denaby Main – Denaby 54  Neepsend 60 for 4

Denaby Main – Kimberworth 60 Denaby Main 33


Local News – Singular Adventure of a Child – Novel Couch at Mexbro’

Industry and Commerce

Accidents at Denaby Main Colliery.

Denaby Main Topmen and Their Wages.

New Colliery.

Pit Boy’s Strike

Pony Drivers & Pit Boys Strike

The Dispute at Denaby Main.

The New Colliery at Conisborough.


Floral Festival at Conisborough.

Crime and Courts

A Traction Engine Nuisance at Conisbro’.

Disobeying Orders in a Colliery.

Robbing the Gooseberry Trees.

Cowardly Assault on a Woman.