
We go back to 1905 for a lively time at the ‘Drum’ where a singing customer takes on the formidable Isaac Gibbs
And a Conisborough man gets 2 years after 6 Irishmen take him to the police station in a barrow
there’s another fatal accident at Cadeby and a young married woman commits suicide after losing a baby
A trespasser on the railway conducts an eloquent defence
The Denaby Co op pays 25% ‘Divi’ whilst a Conisboropugh grocer goes bankrupt
the Cricket Club ball is declared a success whilst the Parish Church hosts its Annual Soiree and Denaby United win every game
despite facing ‘Fatty’ Foulkes at Bramall Lane

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The sensational story in February 1905 was the death of a man in Conisborough tunnel
A successful concert is held by Conisborough Convalescent Homes and we feature ‘She cost me 7/6’ from the Concert
There were cases against Disorderly miners and those who went on strike, breaches of the Swine Movement Order, contravention of the Spitting bye law, and a Conisborough Fowl case
there are Glowing lights seen from the Cliffs and United beat Doncaster Rovers and rout Stockport County

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The biggest story in March 1905 was the Denaby Elopement
with aliases revealed, letters read out and a court house full of furniture
then there was the suspected poisoning case
and a young boys 400 ft fall to his death at Cadeby Colliery
we hear of smallpox at Burcroft in Conisboro’
and also with a hairdresser at Denaby
The Parish Clerk gets stroppy about the Allotments
and St Patricks day gets plaudits at Denaby
Then there’s United who beat everyone in sight
including Doncaster Rovers and Rotherham

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In April 1905 the Bag Dirt Strike had reached the Court of Appeal and we print the fascinating first week of the Appeal (4,500 words)
while the miners involved were still being Summonded and fined for striking
There was a benefit concert for the Blind Boy
and more ‘sordid’ revelations from the Conisborough Elopement case
A man is assaulted outside the ‘Drum’ and the Police arrest a miner who counter charges them whilst there’s a ‘melee’ at the station involving 40 men
We read the Conisborough fable of ‘The Hen and the Crab’
whilst homeless men receive a big fine for stealing coal
and Denaby United are top of the Wharncliffe League

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In May 1905 a 2 year old boy is drowned waiting for the Conisborough ferry
The Baptist Church present prizes and the Minister rebukes parents
for complaining about children being ‘corrected’ at Sunday school
we hear about the Denaby Rifle Club
whilst there’s a serious shooting accident
in the Denaby Colliery Offices
and the courts make their decisions on
Colliery Rules and a Judgement Summons from the Bag Dirt strike,
a disorderly train passenger,
a Conisborough assault by a woman with a ‘nasty temper’
dice games and wilful damage to a wheat field

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In June 1905 we are taken on a full tour of Denaby Main Colliery through an excellent and descriptive 4,000 word article
An attendance officer is assaulted
and abused and there are more cases where a Mother in Law is assaulted,
boys playing ‘bounce ball’ are prosecuted, and Fighting, Obscene Language and Sleeping Out cases are heard by the Courts.
The Parish Council discusses a Pig Sty in the Allotments, and a Recreation Ground at Conisborough
1,000 people are at Tickhill Square for the Mexborough Derby and Denaby United holds its Annual Dinner and Awards night

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In July 1905 Assault, Drunkenness and Bad Langauge Cases were heard in Court
As men and women fought over money for lodging, a black sheep accusation and money owed for milk and ‘thrashed’ wives asked for separation and maintenance whilst a garden intruder is caught
and we take a trip around an improved Denaby Cooperative store.
There’s a tragedy as an 18 month old toddler is drowned and a man dies at Balby workhouse after an attempted suicide
there’s a Crane fatality at Cadeby as a policeman’s son tries to stop a runaway and a shocking fatality as a young woman jumps from a train.
Mr Buckingham Pope appears at Denaby as the new Fullerton hospital is opened
and Denaby and Cadeby chase honours in the Mexborough League as they complete July unbeaten

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August 1905 brought another death at Cadeby Colliery
and Conisborough Notes contain Cooking and Dressmaking Classes for Ladies
whilst Denaby Notes tell of the Abnormal Infant mortality
and Corporal Punishment in Mines
There’s Druidism at Denaby and Rabbit theft at Conisborough
and a serious Assault Case at New Conisborough
and Cricket has big news with the match against Derbyshire County
and a heavy victory by Denaby & Cadeby over Rotherham Town;
a good month until Rawmarsh spoil their Championship Chances

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In September 1905 the villages are shocked by the news that a resident’s son’s clothes are found on a Blackpool beach
and a 4 year old is run over by a trap
There’s an alleged shop breaking by 2 Conisborough lads
and Police are assaulted on a Saturday night in Denaby
There’s news of Families leaving for Canada
the harvest festival and a new Wesleyan minister
Denaby’s First Horticultural Show
and a miner robbing his workmates
and United get of to a cracking start with 5 wins
including Doncaster Rovers !

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‏ In October 1905 a Denaby Row is labelled
‘a Collier’s Saturday night’ and produces an excellent article from the local reporter
There are Colliery prosecutions, and more cases of Compensation and Desertion
Two more Colliers meet their deaths
including a well known Denaby Footballer
There are a number of Harvest Festivals
and a Baker’s horse bolts
There’s news of a young man’s cycling fatality and “Consequence” a Conisborough Champion
Denaby United are having a good start to their season with an excellent win over Doncaster Rovers in the English Cup

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November 1905 brought another death at Denaby Main
when an ‘exceptional worker’ is pinned between a prop and a tub
An assault takes place on a foggy night, by a cyclist on a man tending to his fowls
there more fighting and threats at Conisborough and a man summoned for a horse ‘not fit for work’
There’s a mean theft at Denaby and a Old Woman sent to prison for the third time
We include the substantial menu for the Officials dinner
and Denaby United continue their Midland League unbeaten season

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In December 1905 there was a major fire at Denaby Colliery with £8,000 of damage to machinery and buildings
Mining Students visited Cadeby Colliery with a ‘capital lunch at the ‘Drum’ and a detailed report of the Colliery Workings
Miners are prosecuted over Spragging, Riding, Following the Tubs and cruelty to the Ponies
Two schoolboys receive 10 strokes of the birch for stealing 3 pence of coal
Whitworth Brewery take over Conisborough’s Nicholson to become the strongest local brewery
and United are the last unbeaten team in the Midland League as the reporter waxes lyrically about them.
