
In January 1938 the Conisborough Operatic Society presented ‘No, No, Nanette’ in the Church Hall
The isolation hospital praises its hard working staff and refutes allegations against its services
A miner gets prison for 3 months after an underground fracas at Denaby Main and another miner retires after working 59 years at the same pit
The ‘Times ‘ examines the recreational facilities for children and a mother overlays her baby and faces severe questions from the Coroner
A Denaby woman dies suddenly after a career devoted to Nursing and morbid sightseers are warned over their conduct at funerals
A Denaby player is transferred to West Ham United and United lie at the bottom of the Midland League

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In February 1938 the Coroner gives advice on what to do – when a person catches fire
There’s a disastrous fire at Drabble’s confectionery works, although Morley Place school children leave to safety
The Coal carting committee are celebrating a million loads, and there’s another death at Denaby, despite a vain rescue bid
A miner with past injuries to his face, back and spine, suffers a pit accident again and has to have his legs amputated
The Council agrees to improve the softness of the water, and a scheme for water at Old Denaby means it will take 150 years to pay off the loan!
A school roof is damaged through gamblers playing cards and a rabbit turns to drink
United are rooted to the bottom of the Midland League, as Shrewsbury visit for the first time and score 9 !

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In March 1938 there was a Pit Boys lightening strike and they all appear in Court and are fined
A pit boy dies while walking on a forbidden road and a Denaby girl is injured by a Trackless Trolley while Cycling on Doncaster Road
Conisbrough Senior School is producing Don Quixote and the Junior Imperial League go down Denaby Pit
A man who embezzled Checkwigh money, an official who withheld the Y.M.A. funds and a colliery worked who had a meal ticket when he returned to work all appear in Court – with very different outcomes
United are rooted to the bottom of the Midland League with heavy defeats during the month

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In April 1938 there is another death at Denaby Main, where a 14 year old shortcuts safety
There’s a meeting of the Catholic Young Men’s Society and a trip to Lourdes for sick Denaby people
There’s a sensational shooting case in Conisborough and the “Battle in the Wood” ends with three poachers in Prison
There are new Councillors and an obituary of Charles Holmes, a well known former chairman
United lose heavily at Peterborough, Bradford and Gainsborough and lie rock bottom of the Midland League with 153 goals conceded !
But we can see the wealth of past players enjoying League football

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In May 1938 a Cage crashed at Cadeby Main throwing 2,000 men out of work
An undergrowth fire threatens the Explosive Works
Conisborough has a Woman Fancier and claims to have the heaviest baby born in Britain
The hot weather has caused an epidemic of sore throats and a Conanby Man dives into the Lake to help two boy boaters
We have a picture from the Denaby Church passion play and news of the St Alban’s procession
Fullerton Hospital requests increased funds as there was 3,000 pit accidents in 1937 and a new school to be built is to be called “Ivanhoe”
United finish bottom of the League but with their biggest victory and Denaby & Cadeby beat the Council Champions, Scarborough

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In June 1938 two suicides shook the villages;
A man tied a large stone round his body and drowned and a Denaby man hung himself in a friend’s house
A Conisborough man hit an elderly man with a stick; his pleas that he couldn’t remember because he was drunk
received the Judge’s comments that prison was the safest place then
The Corpus Christi parade took place in Denaby
Powder Works girls are excited because Richard Taylor is to play Ivanhoe and write him a letter
There’s a short Council meeting because of absenteeism and Tom Hill returns to the Council
and Denaby and Cadeby have a winless month

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In July 1938 Denaby has a claim for Britain’s youngest Great Grand Mother and a Conisborough youth was to lead a “Grand Howl” of Wolf Cubs
There was a new Standard for the British Legion
and a boy missing from his frantic grandparents who turns up with Scarlet Fever in the Isolation hospital
A breakdown of shafting and egress from Denaby Main resulted in a walk out and legal action against the Mineworkers
There’s little progress at Denaby with the innovation of Hard Hats
although another innovation, Holiday Pay is met with enthusiasm as 5,000 miners receive a total of £6,000 extra wages
A young Conisborough cyclist continues to break records and Denaby & Cadeby’s season slumps as they are bowled out at Tickhill Square for 39

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In August 1938 there was a trial ‘Black Out‘ t=in South Yorkshire, spoilt by the weather but with curious crowds in the streets
Youths are sent to prison for attacking police and told that Gangs are not allowed in Denaby
A 78 year old man dies after being knocked down by a young man whose car couldn’t get out of 2nd gear
A young Denaby holidaymaker gets stuck on the Whitby cliffs and we have an aerial photo of the Castle
There’s a talkative budgie on Old Road and Ellis Robinson gets his County Cap

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In September 1938 with a downturn in international affairs, Emergency Organisations sprang into action
with the issue of thousands of gas masks, instructions on how to build air raid shelters
and warnings to children as shelters were dug by the Council, at the Pit, behind Cliff View, Northcliffe Hill, Elm Green Lane, Park Road and Station Road
Queen Mary drove through Denaby and Conisborough to Cheers of a thousand school children
Trackless Buses were stranded and a Worm plague is suffered at Denaby Park
An ‘Iron Lung’ is purchased for Conisborough Hospital and the new School is to be named Ivanhoe
There is to be no Wrestling at Denaby Baths and United do well in the Cup but poorly in the League

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In October 1938 there is another miners death, witnessed by his mate as he is hit by a flying prop
There’s an analysis of the pits owned by the amalgamated Denaby Collieries Ltd, which include Cadeby, Denaby, Maltby Dinnington and Rossington, with an annual output of 3.5 million tons with over 7000 men employed, and stories of payment of wages in the Denaby Main Hotel (the Drum)
There’s a budgerigar with a big vocabulary and Denaby Betting Houses are in the news with miners and their wives summoned
The Bishop of Oxford is at Denaby and there are Masses for Canon Leteux
Access to Stories first victory of the season but are ensconced at the bottom of the Midland league

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The Remembrance Day service witnessed one of the largest congregations since the War
The British Legion held a dinner and ex-serviceman recaptured their comradeship
A Catholic extension to Denaby Cemetery is consecrated
A Conisbrough man gets close to a wild African lioness and a wireless enthusiast makes a set in a fountain pen
The Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries mutual help fund is praised as a pioneer organisation
Rights for the collieries to search for and work coal for the next hundred years are granted
Son of an inspector of mines Inspector, whose father was killed in the Cadeby disaster, is appointed general manager of Denaby, Cadeby and Maltby collieries
and United stay bottom of the Midland League

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In December 1938 Conisbrough air raid wardens were testing gas masks
War Wounds received 20 years ago led to death of a Conisbrough man
and a broken leg causes the death of another veteran
There is a picture and stories of the Conisbrough Fire Brigade from 35 years before
The Denaby and Cadeby Miners are to take their holidays with pay, during St Leger week, and the schools are to do the same
There’s an interesting analysis of school leavers at work, which shows that of 159 boys, 92 are working at the collieries and of 148 girls,This 71 are still at home and 39 in service
Denaby United are still bottom of the Midland league and suffer a 7-0 defeat by Peterborough United

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