Denaby Fruitcakes have an international reputation in January 1956
The Coop are advertising prepacked meat with the innovation of cellophane
Denaby produced their second pantomime “Aladdin” to acclaim despite first night problems – when the light failed!
a Conisbrough soldier is critically ill in hospital after a tear gas bomb accident
A counsellor claims Conisbrough people are being held to ransom because of a halfpenny increase in fares
A howling pack of dogs are plaguing Conisbrough and a Denaby woman spends Christmas in Rhodesia
United have a high-scoring month as league Scouts including Derek Dooley visit them
Conisbrough Home Guard ‘Stand Down’ in February 1956
and a young man has served in five different countries – although he is only 20!
Two brothers receive bravery awards after saving a Denaby boy , and three people are taken to hospital after a trolley bus skids
The Denaby Operatic society produce ‘Aladdin’ and Tom Hill produce ‘Jack and Jill’
A budgie and a dog are a burglar deterrent at Denaby and a brother and sister have 100 years of Church service between them
Denaby Coop announce the use of Cellophane and boiler trouble exasperates Conisbrough School Managers
The Savings Committee announce Savings increases in 1955 and there more interest by Young Anglers
United score 4 goals twice – and win one match and lose the other !
In March 1956 the icy weather continued resulting in 2 youths being fined for Winter Sports
A brave Denaby man is recognised by the Humane Society
A woman complains about the isolation in Kearsley Glen
One pensioner is lucky when her chimney crashes into her bed and another unlucky as vandals wreck his garden and steal his tools
There’s a busy Denaby dancer and a wave of sickness at the pits and schools
and we’ve pictures of the Cricket and football dinners, Chamber of Trade and the over 60’s
In April 1956 school overcrowding and lack of teachers made the headlines as pupils are made to move into the ” Hengist Hut”
Good neighbours help a Conisbrough Miner back on to his feet and kind pupils donate their party money to the pensioner who lost everything to vandals
There’s conflict between colliers and fillers and a Summertime strike by young haulage hands at Denaby Main
Theatrical productions are underway by the St Peter’s players and the Wesley Youth Club and a Conisbrough girl flies to Cyprus to join her soldier husband
Ken Booth boxes with an injured hand to progress to the finals and the Denaby Supporters Club Youth competition nears its climax, whilst the Tom Hill Youth F.C. wins all its competitions.
United have a congested fixture list which begins badly but ends with a winning sequence
In May 1956 a Polio outbreak had gripped the Nation and there were vaccine shortages in our Area
There were outbreaks of vandalism in a Bus Shelter and on a Flower bed
St Peter’s players present ‘Love’s a Luxury’ and Denaby Operatic Society produce ‘No No Nanette’
At the pits there’s a strike over a change to a new seam, miners who are’ fratching’ and fighting as Tubs are approaching, a former United official and miner who dies with pneumoconiosis, and a miner who worked 2 years on afternoons – and enjoyed it!
There’s a break in at the Cadeby Office as thieves steal a empty safe and a young boy who breaks into school 6 times
and we’ve photos of the Schoolboy teams in the Final and the Tom Hill team that won the Youth Cup Final in a 14 goal thriller!
and we find out how much it costs to run Denaby United
In June 1956 there was a story of heroism when a young bus conductress dived in the canal to save a drowning Denaby lad
and a sad story of a Conisbrough dog, who had two masters, and what happened when one of them died
there’s an MBE for a Conisbrough Home Guard Major
and pictures of the Corpus Christie procession, news of the Co Op dividend, Conisbrough Savings,
Denaby United supporters best year ever and how the Denaby Baths are not used enough
A Denaby nurse in Cyprus can only go out with a armed escort and the Denaby vicar leaves for Swinefleet
and how a Denaby cat has 500 hens for company !
In July 1956 we have the story of the young girl who went to London and met Gogo the Greek
Graves are to be moved and the Station Hotel is undergoing big changes
There’s ‘Automation’ and redundancies on the Ellershaw Estate
A ‘playful’ dog who attacked four people.
There’s a Midnight Alarm and New postal facilities at Conisbrough
We’ve pictures from the Northcliffe open day and ‘Cabbages and Kings’ by the Old Denaby C of E school
Yasmin and West try to get on T.V.
and United sign 6 new players
In August 1956 a 10 year old had his head stuck in the turnstile at Denaby Baths
A young couple keep a daily watch for Orchard raiders
There’s a break in and a safe stolen at Denaby Coop and the Council have plans to tackle the housing problem as well as welcoming German Youth Footballers
The ‘Times’ helps find Denaby relatives for the USA
and the developing Suez crisis causes a delayed demob of a Conisbrough soldier
There’s a retirement after 50 years underground
The Denaby & Cadeby Annual Sports are popular
United get of to a good start and we have pictures of the teams in their final practice
In September 1956 another man dies from a Cadeby Roof fall and young 12 year old saves a 2 year old after teaching himself to swim!
A couple lose their place on the Council list after refusing a Council house on the Windmill estate
A stage coach stops at the Hill Top and Tom Hill youths visit Berlin and the Eastern sector
A Gretna Green elopement ends happily with the couple re marrying in Denaby
More miners retire and the Colliery plan a 30% improvement in output through Diesel Haulage
There’s a new Flag for United who are having incredible success flying high at the top of the Midland League with a Forward Line that scores goals for fun!
In October 1956 there is unrest in the Collieries over wages and the methods used for roof holding led to a strike which lasted until the old methods were restored
The Tom Hill youth club are trying to give young miners lessons on good grooming
There’s an explosion at the Denaby Vicarage and Atomic Warfare Exercise at the Hill Top
Complaints that ‘Double deckers’ with empty seats are passing without stopping
A Conisbrough sportsman is faring well in Germany and there’s a full boxing programme at Denaby Baths with Pat O’Rourke and Steve Joyce making their names
United have 2 wins in the month but are knocked out of the Cup in a thriller at Frickley
In November 1956, the state of the Ash Pits in Conisbrough were causing concern, and a petition was raised and answered with swift action from the Council
A Conisbrough couple won £1,241 on the ‘Pools’ and Irad Webster retires after 42 years teaching
Abroad a Conisbrough man is Uranium mining in Australia – and earning £5 a day and we have pictures of the Royal Engineers in the Libyan desert
Safe driving awards are made to 31 drivers of explosive vans at the ICI Westphalite factory in Denaby Main
Another miner dies at Denaby Main, despite the roof being as smooth as a billiard table
There’s an ABC Boxing tournament at Denaby Baths and acclaim for the Ivanhoe Cyclists from Hemsworth Wheelers
On the darker side a miner stabs his son with a butcher’s knife, a gun is confiscated after a row between brothers and rowdies are fined after an incident on the buses
In December 1956 a Conisbrough singer is making a comeback
And the Cricket Club have cleared their debt
The Courts heard cases about Ducks and Hens, an assault at the ‘Drum’ and a fight at the ‘Empress’
The St Peter’s players are ‘Beside the Seaside’
There’s pictures from the Wesley Church guides,
The Salvation Army Sale of Work and
And the Fox’s ‘Take your Pick’ competition