Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 29, 1919
Mr G. Edwards
The Humerous Draper
Evidence in support of the opposition was given by Mr George Edwards, Draper, of Strafforth Terrace, Denaby Main, who said he gave evidence against the scheme at the last enquiry, and had not changed his opinion. He thought the promoters were simply seeking to finance their ideas out of other people´s pockets. Mr Neal: you are not the Pooh-Bah of the district? – No Sir, I am the Dra-Pah (laughter.)
Mr T Beeden
A Derelict Village
Mr Tom Beeden,of Thrybergh, estate agent for Col Fullerton, said the effect of taking the principal rateable value of the district out of the rural district, would be serious, especially among small isolated places like Old Denaby, which was left out of the overall scheme, and was cut off from the rural district.
He thought the few farmers and cottages left would have to meet an increased rate of at least 1s 6d in the pound.
Mr V Simpkins
Mr W.V.Simpkins, Provision dealer, Denaby, for 17 years property inspector to the Colliery Company, gave evidence against the application, said he thought the rates will rise if it were granted.
With regard to the Company´s property, it was carefully looked after by men appointed for the purpose. All the yards were asphalted, and the inspector was particularly instructed to see that nothing insanitary was allowed. In some cases the refuse was removed from the middens direct to the carts.
An Amusing Interlude.
There was an amusing interlude when Mr Talbot, before concluding his case, produced four Denaby men, employed at the colliery, who had been around with the memorial against the application.
One of them, Lapridge, said that these fourhad a little meeting, and as they were against urban powers, decided to “go into the village and tell the people about it.”
Asked by Mr Neal where the petition came from, they said it was brought to them by a gentleman from the offices.
Mr Talbot: there is really no mystery about it. It came from the office of Mr Meredith Hardy, solicitor to the company. (Laughter.)
Mr Neal: I thought so. (Laughter.)
Mr Meredith Hardy, for the South Yorkshire Junction Railway, and Mr N.G.Flawn, for the Great Central Railway, addressed the Commissioners against the scheme.