1858 27th November Doncaster Gazette
Serious accident at Conisbrough
On Tuesday evening last, as Mr Massey, farmer, of Hoober, was returning from a shooting excursion at Edlington Wood house, and on passing through Conisbrough, met with an accident of an alarming character
It appears that Mr Massey was driving a fourwheeled carriage, and had reached the village of Conisbrough, andwas attempting to turn at the bottom of the hill, onto the Turnpike road leading to Mexborough,his horsecaused by some means or other took fright, and notwithstanding all his efforts,it turned round and forced itself against the window of a house recently occupied by Mr Mason, tinner. The entire pains and framework were broken, and had it not been for the windowsill, the animal would have made an entrance into the building.
The smashing of the glass brought several persons to Mr Massey’s assistance. The horse, a very valuable one, was so seriously injured as to render it imperative for them to put an end to its existence.
Mr Massey was conveyed to Mr Sturdy´s, theStar Inn, in an insensible state, where he had every attention his case required.
We are glad to learn that he recovering from the severe shock.