1861, 24th August, Sheffield Independent
Discovery of Two Skeletons at Conisbrough
For several weeks passed some excitement has prevailed at Conisbrough in consequence of discovery of the skeleton of a full-grown young woman, and also that of a child, at the North Cliff, in that village.
From the position in which they were found, it was concluded that unfair means had been used: the retirement of the spot, and it’s unlikelyhood as a place of interment, confirming this opinion.
The fact was communicated to William Marratt, Esq, coroner, but he did not deem it necessary to hold an inquest.
In consequence however of rumours that have prevailed within the past fortnight, that the body was that of a farmer who disappeared many years ago, and that suspicion, arising out of these exaggerated reports, appointed to someone as connected with the affair, Mr Marratt, at the request of some of the principal inhabitants, has investigated the case.
Mr Foote, surgeon, stated his belief that the larger skeleton was of a young woman about 20 years of age, but he could not speak at all to the time it had been buried.
All the bones had not been found, but he did not find from those that he had examined, that violence had been used. A knife which had been found eight or 10 yards from the spot some years ago was produced, and also a pair of tweezers which had been found about 20 or 30 yards off.
A Mr Stephen Sellers, farmer, of Conisbrough Lodge, was missed in 1834, and had not since been heard of, and he was proved to have given a pair of tweezers, similar to those found, to a labourer.
The evidence of Mr Foote, however showed that the skeleton could not be that of Mr Sellers.