1868, May 28th
New Collieries
The Mining Journal states that several new collieries are about to be opened out in the South Yorkshire district.
Amongst other spoken of is one on the extensive estate of Earl Manders, near Wath, and another on the line of the Denaby Main, which is the deepest in the County, and where the coal is said to be thicker than at almost any other colliery
1868, March 23rd
Denaby Main Company Registered
The Investors Guardian, gives in the following list of new companies registered during the past week;
North West of England China Stone and Clay – Capital £25,000 in £1 shares
London Lubricating Oil And Patent Paint – capital £5000 in one pound shares
Sao Vincente mining – capital £50,000 in £5 shares
Denaby Main Colliery – capital £110,400 in £60 shares