Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 19.
Alleged Bigamy at Conisborough.
On Tuesday, at Doncaster, Arthur William Leeton, confectioner, Pontefract, was charged with bigamy.
Prisoner was married to Jesse L Brown, at St Thomas Church, Bedford Leigh, a Lancashire, on January 25, 1882. He lived with her for several years and then deserted her.
He afterwards came to reside at Conisborough, and while there he went through the form of marriage with a single woman named Fanny Midgley at the Conisborough Parish Church, on September 9, 1900.
Miss Midgley’s father is a retired police officer, and in consequence of certain information, he caused enquiries to be made, and ascertained that the prisoner’s wife was still residing at Bedford Leigh.
Mr Baddeley, who appeared for the prosecution applied for a remand, which was granted.