Mexborough, and Swinton Times, April 13
Ambulance Work at Denaby Main.
On Saturday week a tea was held in the Rossington Street school, Denaby Main, by the members of the St John’s ambulance class, followed by a presentation to the instructor, Dr F.G. Twigg, who, owing to illness was unable to be present. Mrs Twigg accepted the present on her husband’s behalf.
Tea was attended by upwards of 150, the tables being under the supervision of the following ladies Mesdames Twigg, R.W Hopson R.Walton, J.W.Walton, J.Hall, W.Burkin and Thompson.
Mrs Hardy catered in her usual excellent style and after a substantial repast had been partaken of, the room was cleared for the concert. Mr W.H.Chambers was announced to make the presentation, but he was unable to be present, and Mr H.S.Witty, was voted to the chair.
In a short address Mr Witty apologised for the unavoidable absence of Mr Chambers and said that Dr Twigg had conducted their class successfully. Out of 61 members who submitted themselves for examination, 59, had passed. (Cheers). There was no reason why everyone present should not become members, and there were many an opportunity came their way to exercise their ability in the noble work, and when Dr Twigg recovered, which he hoped he would soon do, he would instruct the classes as usual (cheers.)
Mr Witty said several members of the class had made application to go to the front (South Africa). Many of the applicants were late in applying, but two of the members who had been examined by Dr Twigg, and passed, and had been accepted for service at the front, and up to now, he thought they had done fairly well in sending representatives to the war.
Onbehalf ofMr Chambers and the members of the ambulance class, he had very great pleasure in presenting Dr Twigg with a small, though good work of art – a microscope – he hoped he would accept it in the spirit of good fellowship and the feeling of kindness and popularity which he knew was felt towards him from the class. (Cheers)
Dr Twigghad written a reply:
“though unavoidably prevented by illness and doctors orders from the present, I cannot let the opportunity pass without trying to express in writing my thanks for your very valuable and I may say, valued and spontaneous present. I have seen the instrument and I can assure you nothing more suitable could be chosen. It will be the second microscope I have possessed. The first one met with an unhappy fate. You will notice a microscope has legs and feet, but that that does not explainwhy itsuddenly disappeared from my study at Mexborough, and where it is now the thief and heaven only knows. Let us hope this one will have better manners, and not go walking off with the first love, who happens to come along.
When I mention the cause of the presentation. I confess I feel somewhat shy. Such a beautiful present seems to overbalance the trifling services I may have rendered, and you will readily understand what I mean when I say that the lectures have given me quite as much pleasure, in fact, my egotism I believe more, than to those unfortunate individuals who have been compelled to listen to them.
Yet it is a good sign of the Times and that gratitude exists amongst us at Denaby Main. To such an extent as they, that men are ambulance class of their own free will having passed through the course of lectures and examination, and see in what way they can testify to the benefits they have received.
And what are the benefits? Well, not much to themselves, except that inasmuch that knowledge, however little is yet power. There are three great things that I claim ambulance work brings to the front in a man. Firstly – neatness; secondly, self-reliance: thirdly – quickness to act in an emergency, and if you look at any of the great men of the day,or at the men in Times gone by, who made history, you will find it is just the three qualities which made them what they were . Ambulance work is essentially a self-denying work. It is the benefits that are showered on others, by its application which makes it the great work that it is.
It is pleasing to know that some of our ambulancemen are likely to be accepted for the front: May they have God speed and a safe return”. (Loud cheers)