An Unhappy Married Couple at Denaby

January 1880

Mexborough and Swinton Times January 16.

An Unhappy Married Couple at Denaby

Enoch Downe, miner, of Denaby, was charged by Mary Ann, his wife, with assaulting her on the second inst.

Mr Parker Rhodes appeared for the defence.

The wife alleged that on Monday her husband came home and assaulted her. She had only been confined three weeks before. They had been married to each other for three years and four months, but had had frequent unpleasantness.

When her husband came home, he said, “if you don’t go this week and leave me I will kill you.” He made her pack all her things, but she did not want to go. He took her by the waist and put her outside.

By Mr Rhodes: I did not dare him to turn me out. I did not cause the unhappiness because I went to my parents house. Did not refuse to get his tea ready for him; he did not give me time. Cannot say whether he got it himself.

When he assaulted me, he locked the door, so that no one could get in. My sister heard him striking me, and she called out “murder.” I got hold of the fender, but did not hit him with it.

We have been separated three times. The first time we parted for a week; the second time for a fortnight; and the present instance makes the third time.

The Chairman, in binding the husband over to keep the peace, adviced both parties to live amicably together, and to try and please each other; the wife to do all she could to make home happy, and the husband to go less to the public house and to keep more at home.

February 20

Enoch Downe, Collier, Denaby, was charged by MaryAnn, his wife, with not contributing towards the maintenance.

John Farrow, relieving officer, stated that on Tuesday, the 27th ult, he was applied to by the complainant for relief, her husband having turned her out, locking up the house and left her.

The only relief he could offer was the Workhouse, which she refused. She appeared before the Guardians on Saturday, and they gave her an order for the Workhouse, and she went, and was there still. She applied for an order upon the defendant.

Complainant said her husband was summoned at Rotherham, three weeks previously, for assaulting her, and on the Wednesday following he turned her out of home and would not let her go back.

Defendant said it was his wife that locked up the house, and left of her own accord. He complained of her being so often at her mother’s.

An order was made upon the defendant for five shilling a week and to pay the expenses

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