Brutal Assault at Conisborough.

June 1901

Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 28.

Brutal Assault at Conisborough.

A Conisborough woman, named Eliza Parker, appeared to support a summons taken out against Samuel White, charging him with assault.

The complainants left eye was greatly discoloured. The defendant did not appear, but a friend told the magistrates that he was afraid to come to court, and so stayed away, but he was very sorry for what he had done.

The complainant’s story was short, she said she went to the tank in the yard behind the house, where she lives, for some water.

The defendant came up, and asked, “Is your man at home?” She replied that he was not, whereupon the defendant said he wanted to fight him.

She told him he had better be careful, or he might have the worst of the battle, or words to that effect. The defendant then struck her on the eye, and knocked her down.

Corroborative evidence was given, and the magistrates said the defendant would have to appear on the next court date to be bound over to keep the peace for six months, in the sum of five pounds.

If he did not attend a warrant would be issued for his apprehension.

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