Mexborough Times, Saturday, April 10th
Pretty Operetta at Denaby.
It is difficult to say in what form the story of “Cinderella” is best told, whether in prose,pantomime or operetta. It is certainly a fairy story with an evergreen popularity amongst both young and old. On Wednesday night, the children and members of the Denaby Parish Church, presented this pretty little playlet in the form of an operetta, and the performance was greatly enjoyed by a large audience, whose great delight and appreciation was demonstrated by enthusiastic outbursts of applause at the end of each act.
The story of “Cinderella” is too well known to require recapitulation here. Sufficient to say it was told simply, but charmingly and provided the theme for a lot of good humour, sweet singing, and graceful dancing.
The terpsichorean seen in the first act was a clever and dainty performance, and this and the “tableau vivante” showing “Cinderella” driving to the Prince’s ball in her fairy carriage, were perhaps the outstanding items in an altogether delightful show. The carriage was constructed by Mr J.Engeldow, and the illuminations had been prepared by Mr Galliford, Mrs Allcroft being responsible for the very effective decorations. The “transformation” scenes were executed with success, and, indeed, the whole of the stage managing (carried out by Mr E.Robinson, assisted by Messrs. Engledow and E.Wathey ), was exceedingly well done.
Miss Eva Ellison acted the name part with charm and ability. She was well suited to the role, and was strongly supported by Miss E.Engeldow, as the Fairy Godmother, and Miss D Matthews, as Prince Charming. Mr T Hallcroft was a conspicuous success as the irascible Baron, and Mrs Matthews and Mr Riley invested the roles of the cruel sisters with just that acerbity, effectiveness, and vanity necessary for a skilful personation. Mr Wathy sustained the role of Lady Guy.
The fairies, whose dancing instructress was Mrs Curtis, were as follows: Mrs M.O Croft, A.Clare, J.Westlake, C.Start, E.Vollans, J.Dawson, F.Wathey, P.Coy, G.Robinson, M.Shelton and M. Boot.
The courtiers, who also acted as the Princes masked retinue, were Misses F.Milner, M.Curtis, D.Taylor, P.Sidebottom, and B.Collendridge, Messrs J.A.Booth and Henry Robinson. Master John Engeldow and Miss C Riley, were the pages.
The operetta was very well mounted, and the pretty costumes, which were a feature of the show, have been designed by the performers themselves. Mrs J.M.Walton acted as prompter, but so well trained by the children that she was very rarely called upon. The promotion and organisation of the effort and to a large extent the training of the younger performers, had been carried out by Mr T Holcroft.
The success of the performance or more than a little to the assistance rendered by the orchestra Mrs M.Scott and D.Robinson and Messrs C.Kaye, A.Robinson, J.Brough and E.Dabbs