Conisboro’ Miner’s Assault – ‘Special’s’ Broken Nose

May 1920

The Mexborough Times, Saturday, May 22, 1920.

Conisboro´ Miner´s Serious Assault
Braithwell, “Specials” Broken Nose

On Tuesday, at the Doncaster Police Court, Charles W.Reed, miner, Conisboro´, was sent to prison for two months, the maximum punishment, for an assault upon a special constable, Arthur Fidler, farmer, Bracewell on May 8.

The prosecutor appeared in court with his face heavily bandaged. Itshould be explained that he was suffering from a broken nose ss a result of the treatment meted out by the prisoner and another man not in custody.

He told magistrates at about 10.20 on the night of the date in question he was returning home after seeing the horses into the field, when he saw two men coming down the road on cycles. It was a dark night, and as they had no lights he called out to them. One of them replied that they were behind the – bikes.

He walked on, but the men suddenly turned back, and one asked to what he had to do with their lights. He told them he was a special constable, and they then swore at him. Reed followed this up by striking him twice in the face. He fell down, and was somewhat dazed, and he asked them if they had not done enough. One of those said they would kill him, and while he was trying to get up one of them kicked him in the face, breaking his nose. He called for help. He did not know what he was doing for a time, but he remembered ex-Sgt Roe coming up, and he complained to him. Mr Roe lifted him up, and then the prisoner, whom the sergeant had pushed away, came round and struck him in the face again. He had never seen the men before in his life.

Ex-sergeant Roe said his attention was attracted by hearing cries for help. He identified prisoner by his voice. When he got up to him Fidler said “see what they had done to me.” and fell forward into his arms, being partly unconscious. His face was covered with blood. He told him what had happened. Reed struck prosecutor after he got there. Witness got Fidler away eventually in the dark. The prosecutor produced the coat he was wearing at the time. It was covered in blood. In defence, the prisoner said he had had 9 pints of beer on this night, but he was not drunk. The prosecutor called out to them about their lights, and caught hold of his (prisoner´s) machine. He denied striking him, and said no one struck him. He must have received his injuries by falling down against the wall.

The chairman (Mr G.R. Shiffner), said prisoner had a most appalling record, one of the worst he had ever seen. The police must be protected – the prosecutor belonged to the regular special force.

Defendant would have to go to prison for two months, with hard Labour, and he was sorry that that was the maximum sentence they could pass upon him.


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