Mexborough times, March 1, 1878
Conisbrough School Board – New School Mistress Appointed
At a board meeting held on Thursday February 21st.
Present: Messrs Grantham, Blythe and Kilner.
About 27 parents attended to explain to the board the reason of the non-attendance of their children. Parents were given to understand that no further warning will be given.
The consideration of the cases occupied to 9.30 and it was proposed by Mr Kilner, seconded by Mr Grantham that the meeting be adjourned to the following evening.
On Friday evening the board again met. Six applications have been received in answer to the advertised for a mistress for the infant school.
These being read with their accompanying testimonials, it was proposed by Mr Blyth and seconded by Mr Kilner and carried unanimously, that the situation be offered to Miss Jane Falconer of Edinburgh, at a salary of £70 per annum.