Mexborough Times, February, 1939
Conisborough Church.
Credit Balance of over £130
A Splendid Year.
“It is very nearly unique in my experience, and it is a result on the years working which will be envied by the majority of the surrounding smaller parishes.” said the Vicar of Conisborough, the reverent H.T.Eddershaw, presiding, when it was revealed by Mr W.Pearson, the financial secretary, at the annual Conisborough parochial church meeting, in the Church Hall on Monday that the church had concluded the year with a credit balance of £131 2s 5d, despite heavy drains on their resources.
Expenses of 1938.
Mr Pearson mention that in 1937, there had been an expenditure of £694, which included payment for new boilers, fabric and other outstanding necessities. In 1938, there have been an expenditure of £555 and total income of £686.
The chief item in the expenditure was a fuel, light and carriage account and more than £114; the Diosean quarter had been £55 and charities and missions had claimed more than £40.
On the income side offertories from the Parish Church had realised £202 1s 10d, from St Andrews , Mission Church, Conanby, £30 12s and from Clifton Mission Church £14 12s 1d. St Andrew’s expenses amounted to £24 7s 7d, leaving a balance of £6 4s 5d. Clifton expenses amounted to £16 6s 2d, and there was a balance in hand of £19 8s 5d, but repairs to the church roof would easily exceed the balance.
The reverent Fred Herrington (senior curate) mention that St Andrews Church extension fund stood at more than £205.
The accounts for the three churches were approved.
Vicars Review
a review of the past year was given by the Vicar, who said that they were not going to be pessimistic about events which will even now having their reflections in every corner of the globe and even in their own little patch of the globe. They knew as Conisborough. In the region immediately surrounding the parish Church. It had been a year of demolition with familiar faces vanishing from the congregation.
Once again public ceremonies and church festivals and continue to draw many people who were not as a rule to be seen in church and is very desirable if possible that they should place their names on the lectorial role.
They should once again look back upon the year of happy fellowship and cooperation with the Free Churches at public ceremonies.
The year had seen the institution of Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and now Cubs in the church life and introduction of women altos into the choir. They beautified the services with their voices as well as their robes.
The number of communications in 1937 was 4598, and in 1938, 4573. Baptisms are gone up from 127 in 1937 to 139 in 1938.
Confirmation could not be compared because they had a halfway confirmation in Easter time when there were 26 candidates and the previous November they had 48, mostly children. They were now preparing 50 to 60 candidates. There were 54 managers in the church in 1937 and 45 in 1938, although the difference didn’t justify the consideration of a drift to the register office. Death remained at the same level, and the figures on the electoral roll drop from 583 to 575. Sunday school figures remain steady at about 500
Collections Down.
Collections were down by only £16, but that was sufficiently serious to merit the introduction of the freewill offering scheme. The scheme are doubled in some cases where it was applied rigidly to the finances of a church and never had he known it entirely to fail. It was all that, at a conservative estimate it will increase the church finances at Conisborough, by 25% and perhaps by 50%. They were provided with envelopes for the year and a trustworthy secretary was appointed and referred only to the numbers, but to the names. He was only one who knew what name corresponded with what number. There was no obligation to pay on both plate and by freewill offering, but the plate would be sent round to catch the casuals and the strangers.
The meeting approve the introduction of a freewill offering scheme and in conclusion the Vicar gave a comprehensive thanks and blessing to all helpers during the year.