Conisborough Farmer and his Servant.

January 1882

Mexborough and Swinton Times, January 20

A Conisborough Farmer and his Servant.

Frances Appleyard, farmer, of Conisborough, was charged with assaulting William Baxter, a servant in his employee.

The complainant said he was at his work with some horses, and when his master came up to him last Monday, he was shouting at the horses.

His master asked what he was making that row for, and he told him that if he would provide proper materials there would not be occasion for his shouting. He told his master, after they had had some words, that he was ready to leave him, and asked what he would take to let him go. His master, said he would take 10 shillings. He offered to give you three shillings and his “fastening money” and this was agreed to. But, before he left, the master assaulted severely on both his arms.

The defendant pleaded that the complainant and given him a good deal of provocation, having been very cheeky to him.

Lord Auckland, said the bench believed the defendant had received provocation, but he must know that he ought not to take the law into his own hands.

Fined five shillings and costs.

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