Mexborough, Swinton Times February 8.
Conisborough Parish Council.
Burials, Minniemoor Road, Fire Engine House and the National Sorrow
Consideration of the affairs of the township did not occupy much time at an ordinary meeting of the Conisborough Parish Council, which was on the Monday evening. It was then too early to speculate as to the probable result of the Urban powers enquiry, though no doubt when the proper time comes the members will have important observations to make on the evidence tendered.
How it will be seen from the report below that the Counsellors do not overlook their duty as members of a nation sorrowing for the loss of his greatest monarch.
The chairman (Mr C Holmes) presided, and the other members present were Mr D. Robinson (vice-chairman), Mr W.W Norwood, Mrs C Smithson, Mr H Ravenscroft, Mr GH. Singleton, Mr GH Hirst, Mr G Brooks, Mr TH Harrison; the Clerk (Mr J Hawksworth) and the cemetery curator (Mr A Hodgson)
There were 13 grants of right of burial in the Conisborough Cemetery, and 10 of those were made out to persons living in New Conisborough. The Clerk stated that since November last. There have been 33 Interments, 11, from old Conisborough and 22 from new Conisborough.
Minniemoor Road.
In accordance with instructions given at the last meeting the Clerk said he had written to the , rural District Council, calling attention to the bad state of the Minniemoor Road requesting that it should be repaired. He did not, however, get the letter posted in time for the meeting of the Highway Committee of the Council.
Mr Norwood remarked that he was at the meeting of the Highway Committee and listened for the letter to be read, but it was not.
It was understood that when the letter is considered by the Highway Committee. Mr Norwood will speak in support of it.
The Fire Engine House.
Mr Norwood asked if there was anything to report as to the state of the fire engine house.
The chairman, in reply, stated that one end of the building was in a very dilapidated state, and water came through the roof. There were parts of the engine that ought to shine like silver that were rusty. This was very discouraging to the men. The building belonged to Mr Walker, and as he was the landlord he ought to repaired it; no doubt he would do so if his attention was called to it.
Mr Harrison moved that the Clerk should write Mr Walker, on the matter.
Mr Brooks seconded the resolution which was adopted.
The National Sorrow.
The chairman thought it would not be out of place for the Council to place on record by resolution the sympathy and condolences of the members with the Royal family. As part of the people, over which Her Majesty, the late Queen reigned, they felt the country had experienced a great loss. He moved a resolution to that effect.
Mr Brookes seconded the resolution, and expressed the wish that the vote would be recorded on the minutes.
Mr Norwood said he supported the resolution from the depth of his heart. He was sure there never was such a time in this great country as the people had gone through during the last fortnight. After mentioning the display of sympathy and loyalty of the township presented on Sunday afternoon at the Memorial service in the Parish Church, he suggested that the resolution should embody an expression of loyalty and congratulation to King Edward VII.
The suggestion was adopted, and the resolution was passed in silence.