Conisborough School Board – Staff and Salary Reduction

March 1881

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 11.

Conisborough School Board.

The usual monthly meeting of this Board was held on Thursday evening, the third inst, in the Board room Conisborough.

Mr C Kilner, in the chair. The other members present were Messrs G. Walker, J. Wigfall, and E. Greaves.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

The question of reducing the school staff was then considered in accordance with notice given at the last meeting. It was considered that the staff in the boys school was greater than was really necessary, and in the interests of the ratepayers, they must reduce it.

When Mr Bedwell (one of the Assisting Masters) was engaged about a year ago, it was only with an understanding that the engagement should be a temporary one. The average attendance in the boys school was about 125, and the staff at present, was as follows:

Head master (Mr Ferdinand); two Assisting Masters (Mr Oxley and Mr Bedwell); and one Pupil Teacher.

After a brief consideration, it was resolved to discharge one of the assistants (Mr Bedwell)

Mr Walker accordingly gave notice that at the last meeting. He should move “that Mr Bedwell, received one months notice to give up his appointment.”

The staff in the girls and infant schools was not to be interfered with. At present.

The Board then proceeded to discuss the question of salaries that were being paid to the teachers.

The members expressed the opinion that in view of the present very depressed state of trade and commerce and the heavy rates, which had to be paid, it was now time that some reduction took place in the salaries of the teachers, and if they did not do this, they would be acting unworthily to the ratepayers, whom they represented. They in the first place, consider that the salary paid to the Head master in the boys school, as things were at present was too much. His salary hitherto had been £132 a year and a good house and garden rent free. They considered the house and garden, with at least £20 a year, so that the master salary was as good as £152 a year.

They considered that a good Headmaster could be octane for less than that amount, and/or they were, as a Board desirous of retaining the present master, one serve them so long, yet, in the interests of the ratepayers, they must reduce the salary.

Eventually, it was resolved that a deputation, consisting of Messes Kilner, Wigfall, and Walker wait upon the Headmaster (Mr Ferdinand) offering him a salary of £90 per annum and one fourth of the Government Grant received by h is department.

It was also resolve that. Mr F Oxley (Assisting Master) be informed that his salary would be reduced from £50-£45 per annum from 1 May next.

Is the salaries in the girls and infants departments were not interfered with.

The following cheques were then signed:

(Public Works Loan Board, £50 2s 0d, Mr Greaves (school account) £30 0s 0d; Mr Downs (salary) £5 0s 0d; Mr Holmes (salary) £4 0s 0d, and petty cash 7s 6d; Total £79 9s 6d.

The Clerk (Mr W.P.Holmes), stated that only a very small precept would be necessary for the ensuing half-year, viz: £58 1s 1d, or a rate of one penny in the £. This would be sufficient to meet the liabilities of the Board up to the 20th September next.

The precept was passed accordingly.

After some other business of minor importance, the Board adjourned.














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