Conisborough Water Scheme – Solving a Distribution Problem

October 1923

Mexborough & Swinton Times, October 27

Conisborough Water Scheme

Solving a Distribution Problem

The Conisborough Urban District Council have received sanction from the Ministry of Health to borrow £3,250, the estimated cost of an important extension of their waterworks system.

The scheme provides for the creation of a separate high-level zone of distribution.

A six-inch trunk main is to be laid from the reservoir to Morley Place School, and branch mains will be fed from this line.

Any extension of the main in the direction where development is most likely to take place can easily be made. New meters are being installed at the reservoir, and a meter house erected.

There will be a decanting stand-pipe in the reservoir to take the settled water from the top section.

A waste-detecting meter is also being installed and the valves throughout the distributing system are being overhauled and renewed where necessary.

New control valves are being provided with inter-connections so that the supply can be maintained to either level when either of the trunk mains or the reservoir itself is out of action.

The extension has been undertaken to cure a longstanding difficulty in the distributing system. For some years the higher levels have suffered from intermittent supply owing to the excessive drain of the low-level, which is due largely to the abnormal gradients of this district.

The difficulty has naturally increased in acuteness and the higher level began to be more intensely populated, and the Conisborough Urban district Council have taken the first opportunity of dealing effectively with it. The supply is abundant and distribution will be completely satisfactory when the new main has been laid.

The work is to be put in hand in the course of a week or two, and the Council will employ direct labour some slight relief to local unemployment being effected thereby.

The scheme has been prepared by the Council´s able engineer, Mr. H. Thirlwall, who will carry it through for the Council.

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