Mexborough Times, August 9.
Wholesale Cutting and Wounding by a Drunken Man at Denaby.
On Monday, at the Rotherham Police Court, George Teague, a miner, living at Conisbro´ was charged with cutting and wounding Henry Chambers, Charles Rear, and Ruben Cane, at Denaby, on Saturday night last.
It appears that the prisoner and his wife and two children had been up to Mexborough market, and were returning, about 11:30 o’clock at night, the prisoner being drunk.
When they got to Denaby is wife’s mother went up to them, and asked him to let the children spent the night with her as it was too far for them to walk to Conisbrough, at that hour of the night. The prisoner was unwilling to let them go, and the mother-in-law endeavoured to take one of them. The prisoner thereupon knocked the old woman down, and commenced to thrash her in a most violent manner.
His wife interfered on behalf of the mother, and the prisoner behaved so brutally towards her that she cried out “Murder” several times. The complainant’s and some three or four other men heard these cries, and immediately went to the wife’s assistance.
Almost immediately after they got to the place Chambers called out, “he’s got a knife; look out chaps, I’ve got stabbed.” He then stood back, and Rear, said “he’s cut me also,” in a few seconds afterwards Cane cried out, “he’s cut me, as well.”
The complainers then went to Police Constable Midgley station at Denaby, but he was not in. While they were there the prisoner ran towards Conisbro´ in company with his brother, who had joined him in the row.
Midgley got information of the affair about half an hour after midnight, and apprehended the prisoner about seven o’clock on Sunday morning. He was searched, and a razor stained with blood was found in his possession.He hadwound on his right leg and another on his right thumb and it is thought that he had accidentally inflicted them by his indiscriminate use of the razor.
The complainers had their wounds attended to by Mr Hill, surgeon, Conisbrough, andhe certified Chambers was seriously and dangerously ill and was unable to attend the court.
Chambershad adeep stab at the back of his left shoulder; the top part of Rear’s left ear had been cut off, and he also added deep court on the left side of his neck; Cane has only one arm, and the prisoner inflicted a wound 3 inches long on the fore part of that limb.
The case was adjourned for a week. Mr F Parker Rhodes appeared for the prisoner, and applied for bail, but the magistrates refused to grant it.