Denaby & Cadeby United Dinner – New Professional Engaged

16 November 1900

Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 16.

Denaby and Cadeby United.

Cricket Club Dinner

A New Professional Engaged.

The annual dinner of the Denaby and Cadeby United cricket club took place on Saturday last, Mr Witty presiding.

There were also present. Mr Brearley (under manager at the colliery), Mr Williamson, Mr Booth, Mr Hunt, Mr Moore, Mr Butcher, Mr G. Milner, Mr S. Sheldon, Mr J Day, and others.

About 60 person sat down to a very substantial repast, which was served by Mr Gibbs and his sister Mrs Spencer.

The menu was as follows:

Roast beef,
Roast and boiled mutton
Roast veal and ham
Jugged hare
Roast goose
Roast duck
Roast and boiled fowl
Plum puddings, pies
Cheese and celery etc

Everyone who partook of the good things cannot grumble at the way in which they were served. They were not kept waiting, everything being in order. After the cloth had been removed a good number assembled in the clubroom, where the usual toasts and the report was given.

The club are doing great things are now. They have joined the Mexborough and District League, and are having a new ground provided by the Colliery Company.

They have engaged a new professional, and also obtained the services of Mr Luther Robinson, both of whom have been playing in the Lancashire League.

During the coming season they ought to render a good account of themselves in the League. The Colliery Company have also given them £50 out of the libel action which they were recently engaged in.

The cup, which was given by Mr Wray for the batting average, was won by A Robinson, this making the third time he has headed the averages and the cup becomes his own property.

It will be seen from the secretary’s report that the club is done slightly better than their opponents.

The secretary (Mr Fisher) may be congratulated on the way he has brought in subscriptions, and he has worked well for the success of the club. The second string have played wretchedly during the season, only winning one match.

The Chairman, opening the meeting, called upon Mr W Alott to give a song, which was rendered in a usual style.

The Chairman then called upon the Secretary to give his report.

Mr Fisher (Secretary) said he was glad to read out the balance sheet and report. He would just give them the result of the season’s work. Speaking of the first team they played 28 matches, won 13, lost 10, and drawn 5. They scored 1932 runs for the loss of 221 wickets, giving an average of 8.74 runs per wicket. Their opponents at scored 1798 runs, giving them an average of 7.46. They had thus done slightly better than their opponents.

Thehad beenbrought about by the excellent play shown by their professional, Harrison (hear, hear)and he might say that last seasonhe hadtaken 100 wickets at a cost of 6.42 runs per wicket. He had an average this year of about 20 runs for 26 completed innings (applause.)

A Robinson came second, both in the batting and bowling prizes. (Applause.) Mr Moore (their captain) had obtained the prize for the highest score during the season. viz, 55 not out against Wath.

Referring to the reserve team, the less said about them the better. They played wretchedly during the past season.

Coming to the financial part of his report. He said they had a very good subscriber in Mr Pope, who had generously given £50 (applause.) They had also some very good subscriptions outside the club, which amounted to something like £20 per year, and there was an increase in the years subscriptions.

During the coming season they were going to play better class matches, and previously theyhad joined the Mexborough and District League, which league was composed of some of the best clubs in the district.

He hoped that a good season was in store for them, and that they would render a good account of themselves. As they were all aware the Colliery Company’s tenancy of their old cricket ground was up, and they had to move from that ground. But the Company were generously providing them with another one, and the work of laying it out was proceeding.

They had secured the coming season another professional, in the person of Mr Albert Smith, better known as “Crik Smith” he had been connected with the Lancashire league and has done good work there. They had also obtained another player, Mr Luther Robinson, who had also been playing in the Lancashire League. He was sure that they had got a good set together who would be able to compete with the other clubs in the district. Mr Fisher, then read out the averages for the past season, which were as follows:

There were several prizes awarded to the players. The price for the highest score in the second team was won by C. Carter, who had an average of 6.57. The bat presented by Mr Gibbs was won by A Robinson. The silver cup was again one by A Robinson and it now becomes his own property. (Hear, hear).

The Chairman said he thought it was a very satisfactory report.

The toast “the Army, Navy and Auxiliary forces,” was given by Mr Gibbs and received with musical honours.

Mr Robinson senior, then sang “The Village Blacksmith”

The Chairman next called upon Mr Butcher, to propose “The Denaby and Cadeby United Cricket Club.” Mr Butcher said it gave him great pleasure to make the proposition. He had been connected with the Denaby club for about 16 years, but he had not been in Denaby six years. He had been pleased with their cricket during the last two years. They were thankful to the Colliery Company for the new ground. He was glad to say that in addition to outside subscribers, there are several gentlemen in Denaby, who were always ready to help the club. He hoped the team would head the league at the end of the coming season.

Mr Elliott then sang, “That’s the girl for me,” and was encored, and gave “Let em all go.”

Mr Moore responded to the toast on behalf of the cricket club; Mr Robinson also responding.

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