South Yorkshire Times, August 24.
Denaby Society Changes.
As announced in our last issue. Mr V.J.Healy, managing – secretary of the Denaby Main Industrial Co-operatives Society is taking up a teaching post at the Doncaster Technical school, and on Friday, the Road of management decided that the positions of managing – secretary and Food Trades Manager will cease to exist, and new appointment of a Chief Executive Officer and an assistant secretary would be made.
The Board decided to promote the present food trades manager, Mr Ernest Sheldrake, to the post of Chief Executive Officer and to advertise for an assistant secretary.
Mr Sheldrake is at present on holiday but a letter was sent to him offering the post and he replied accepting.
Until September 16 when he will take over his full duties he will be known as “Chief Executive Officer Designate.”
He will be responsible for the coordination and control of all trading and service operations, for administration functions in connection with development projects for the supervision of staffs and control of the food trades Department, and for the control of cash transactions.
The new Chief Executive Officer Designate started his career with the Denaby Main Society as a boy in March 1924 and has worked his way up to the highest position.
From an assistant he became a “first assistant” then manager at the Central stores in School Walk.
He was appointed food trades manager in January 1957. In the second WorldWar he served abroad with the R.A.F.and when released returned to his branch managership at Hickleton Street.