Denaby Cricket Club Ball – A Large and Gay Company

February 1924

Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 16

Denaby Cricket Club Ball

A Large and Gay Company

The annual ball of the Denaby and Cadeby Cricket, Tennis and bowls was held in the Large Hall, Denaby Main, on Friday evening, and the popularity of the event was manifested by the extremely large attendance, over 240 dancers taking the floor.

The building is one of the largest in the district, but its capacity was taxed to the uttermost. An energetic committee, Mesdames Narraway, Tibbles, Smith, and Dickson, and Messrs. Dutton, H.C. Harrison, W. Still, G.L. Rbinson, R. Whitlam, S. Kennedy, A.Cox, J. Greenwood, G. Scot, with Mr. W. E Narraway as secretary, had spent a busy time in completing the arrangements, and their efforts met with great success.

Holland of a good thickness had been laid, and the hall was brilliantly illuminated. Festoons of brightly coloured flags were suspended from the chandeliers and great pains must have been expended in the weaving of paper streamers of all colours in the formation of a chequer pattern over the heads of the dancers. The effect was pleasing; the multi-coloured dresses of the dancers had a pretty kaleidoscopic appearance. The brighter tomes of blue and green predominated but there were many shades of red, and a good deal of black was worn. With commendable foresight arrangements had been made to enable the whole of the dancers to partake of supper at once.

The music was supplied by “Hallam´s Melody Makers”, and the programme was of a type to suit all tastes in dancing. In addition to the two dozen dances which figured on the programme there were many extras, and the party did not break up until after 4 a.m. The fox-trot vogue was not overdone, there being six fox-trots three one-steps, five waltzes and four sets of lancers, in addition to veletas and two-steps.

The M´s.C. included Mr. F. Ogley. Mr. H.C. Harrison, Mr. W. Still, Mr. Cox, Mr. S. Kennedy, and Mr. R. Whitlam. The Ball Committee are very grateful to many generous friends for donations and assistance.

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