South Yorkshire Times, January 20, 1939.
Very Attractive Programme.
Denaby plans for Next Season.
More Members Wanted
Concern over the lack of support for cricket at Denaby, was expressed by Mr John Bryars, financial secretary, at the annual meeting of Denaby and Cadeby Cricket, , Tennis, and Bowls Club, at the Welfare Institute, Denaby, on Wednesday. Mr W.Coates (Chairman), presided, and before the meeting began, a minutes silence was observed in memory of Mr T.Dabbs, who was described by Mr F.Waring (general secretary) as “a former player and committee member, and a loyal supporter and attender at matches.”
In his annual report. Mr Waring stated that the 1930 season had shown an improvement on the previous season from a playing point of view. The Yorkshire Council side finished with a percentage of 30.88, winning 6 and drawing 4 oftheir 19 matches, with one abandoned, and the Doncaster League team finished fourth in the first Division table, winning 9 and drawing 6 of their 20 games.
Once in the Running.
Mr Waring added that at one time the second-tier was in the running for League honours, and was to be congratulated. The side had a number of young and promising players, some of whom have played in the first team. The averages were won by E.Wainwright (first team batting), G.Porter (first team bowling), H.Whitehouse (second team batting), and C.Downing (second team bowling).
They sincerely thanked Mr E.Wainwright, I.Greenwood, J.Robinson and A.M.Carlin, the team captains and vice captain, and their officials. A very attractive programme,has been arranged for next season, and he appealed for support and enrolment of new members.
Mr J.Bryars, submitting the financial report, said that the income for the year was £324 16s 7d, and the expenditure £294 11s 9d, leaving a surplus of £30 4s 10d.
Rather Disturbing.
“On the income side were some rather disturbing figures,” Mr Bryars commented. “The gate receipts and subscriptions are a significant pointer for the enthusiasm for cricket in Denaby when you consider that, out of a population of 17,000, we can only bring in £44 in subscriptions and £35.11s 8d in gate receipts.
Mr Bryars drew attention to the arrears in subscriptions of certain members, but praised the tennis section for the manner in which they conducted their finances, pointing out that the section had produced £14 and asked for only £1 in expenses.
He knew he would meet with opposition, but he felt that if the club’s financial position was to be improved he can only suggest an increased membership fee.
Mr Coles also declared that they should seriously consider an increase in subscriptions, and pointed out that a subscription of 3s (15p) for a season ticket to watch cricket was “ridiculous”; while 4s (20 p) was only so many coppers a week.
He moved a vote of thanks to Mrs Wilkinson for her help in the tearoom, the captains and vice captain, this and the sectional secretaries.
Membership arrears.
Mr J Robinson suggested that the members in arrears with their subscription should be made an example of, and it was agreed that such members should be refused membership during the coming year until they had paid up their last year’s subscription.
Mr Robinson also moved that the clubrule to the effect “that recognise playing member should not be on the cricket selection committee, but that the committee should have power to co-opt any member for the purpose of giving us advice should the occasion arise,” be deleted but he failed to find a supporter.
The following officials were elected, Mr L.C.Hodges; Chairman, and treasurer: Mr W. Coates; financial secretary (in place of Mr Bryars, resigned): Mr J Humphreys; and Cricket Committee: Messrs. W.Wright, T.Peters, E.R.Ball, G.Chambers, G.K.Bateson, E.Wathey, W.Matthews, C.Willis, J.Robinson, A.M.Carlin, J.A.Bryars, E.Walker, M.Whittlestone, J.Grinnell, C.J.Pickett, E.Wainwright, L.Harvey, J.Halford and A.Hough.
Mr Waring expressed his desire of relinquishing the general secretary ship in view of his living so far away at Swinton, and it was decided that the election should be deferred to the first committee meeting.