Denaby Miner Killed
A Fatal Slip
Closing down the pit – manager´s comment
An inquest was held on Friday at the Institute, Denaby main, on Michael Patton (55), miner of 104, Doncaster road, Denaby main, who was killed by being run over in the Denaby main mine on the previous Wednesday.
Mr F.Allen conducted the enquiry, and others present were Mr H Danby, H.M.Inspector, and Mr H.W.Smith, manager of the mine.
Sarah Anne Scott, of 104 Doncaster road, Denaby main, said she had known deceased nearly 10 years. He was a single man. He went to work on the morning shift on Wednesday last, and was brought home dead at the same day. He had worked in the pit ever since she knew him.
Benjamin Worth, pit corporal, 31 Hampden Road Mexborough, said he was in charge of a part of the Montagu plane in the Denaby mine on the morning shift. It was a travelling road and was practically flat where the accident happened. At about 1:45 PM diseased passed his station. The rope was running. There was a run of full tubs before and a run after but he could not say how faraway. He was tightening a clip on the tubs when the deceased walked past. Witness walked about 20 yards tightening the clip. He then turned round and heard a bump. He turned back, and found deceased in front of the first tub. Deceased said “I have slipped off the skating; stop the rope.” Witness did so. Witness knocked the clip off and pushed the tubs back. He then saw the deceased, who did not speak, and who died soon after.
The jury returned a verdict of “accidental death”
Mr Smith said he was there to express regret at the accident. He would also like to make a statement about the closing down of the pit after the accident. The men worked 16 hours, then closed down for 16 hours. He did not think that was a proper way to show sympathy at the present time, when coal was so urgently needed. If their adopted the Cadeby system of working on and allotting a grant from each man and boy to the relatives to be supplemented by a grant from the company, that, he thought would be a more practical evidence of sympathy.
The coroner said the witness Worth objected to certain newspaper reports of the accident, saying they cast a reflection on him. He (the coroner) did not think worth was to blame in any way, to which the jury agreed.