Denaby Miner’s Troubles – A Peculiar Household

June 1901

Mexborough and Swinton Times, June 28.

A Denaby Miners Troubles.

A Peculiar Household.

On Wednesday, at the Doncaster West Riding Court, a young man named George Bradshaw, a filler, was charged with stealing 18s 6d, belonging to his father, who is a collier, at Denaby Main.

Prosecutor, it was stated, went to bed on Sunday afternoon, having to go on the night shift at the colliery, and he threw his trousers at the foot of the bed. There was a purse containing 19s 6d in his pocket.

He heard his wife and son go upstairs and the son said, “If he had any money on him, we’ll have it, and what you canĀ“t do, I’ll do.”

His son had a knife in his hand, and the mother had a rolling pin. His son got his trousers, and took the purse out of his pocket, and abstracted the money, which he handed to his mother, who gave him some back.

Prosecutor pretended to be asleep but got up, and told his son that, if he was sensible he would put the money back. The mother said, “We can spend the money tomorrow, never mind that – – -,”

Prosecutor went out, and on returning his daughter threw his pit clothes on the fire. On examining the purse he found that 18s 6d was missing.

Sgt Richardson apprehended the prisoner at Doncaster on Monday, and charged him with the theft, but he made no reply.

He now pleaded not guilty. He said that his mother picked up the money from the bedroom floor, and she stated that she only got 10s 6d which the prosecutor threw on the floor for her.

The case was dismissed.

Prosecutor told the magistrates later that he dare not go into his own house, and asked the Bench what he was to do.

Superintendent Blake told him to sell up his goods and go into lodgings.

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