Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 31.
Denaby United decide against Shutting Shop.
Effects of Colliery Companies Gesture.
A gesture from the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries Ltd has done much to dispel the gloomy prospect of our last Mexborough area, Midland League club shutting up shop.
I should imagine, too, that the majority of Denaby supporters will have little hesitation in agreeing with Mr Tom Hill that the companies offer is far more substantial and effective than, say, a gift of a couple of hundred pounds.
Similar support exists at other collieries in the group, and it is anticipated that Denaby will benefit the football club to the extent of about £120 a year.
There is still the question of re-election, though in spite of other probable aspirants, I doubt if Denaby will fall.
A vice president from Frickley colliery told me that it could be taken pretty well for granted that they, for one, will plump all for them. They should not be alone.