Disturbance at a Conisborough Hotel.

August 1901

Mexborough and Swinton Times, August 30.

Disturbance at a Conisborough Hotel.

James Myers, miner, New Conisborough, was summoned for having been disorderly and refusing to quit the licensed premises of the Station Hotel, Conisborough, on the 17th inst.

The defendant did not appear.

Frederick Lowe, manager of the Hotel stated that on the date in question the defendant entered, and ordered a pint of beer for which he tended 2/6 in payment.

When witness gave him the change, viz 2/3 defendant declared that the amount was insufficient and stated that he had given witness a five shilling piece. Defendant then became very noisy, and witness ordered him out.

As he refused to quit the premises he was ejected.

About an hour afterwards Myers returned to the house, and on seeing him witness informed him that he would not be supplied with any intoxicants, as he was then suffering from the effects of drink.

No sooner had the said so thedefendant struck him vicious blows in the face, and so violent had he become that it was necessary to eject him a second time.

Fined 23/6 , including costs

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