Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 1.
Doncaster Rural District Council.
The Cadeby borehole.
From the minutes of the sanitary committee it transpired that arrangements will be made for the drawing up of a draft conditional agreement for the supply water to Conisborough, by the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries Ltd, from the Cadeby borehole.
New Houses at Denaby.
Plans for 552 houses to be erected at Denaby had been submitted by Mr H.L.Smethurst, architect, on behalf of the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries Ltd, but the sanitary committee recommended that they be rejected, and that a detailed plan of one or more of the houses be submitted
The Conisborough Tip.
A letter from Messes Kilner Brothers, Conisborough was read respecting the five acres of land which the Council have aquired for a refuse tip from the trustee of the Montagu estate, Messrs Kilner were the tenants, and they now formally give up occupation.
At the same time they reserve their rights to take action should the tip become a nuisance to either themselves, their tenants or workmen.
County Council Neglect
It was reported that the Surveyor had prepared an estimate of the cost of relaying the footpath at street crossings in Denaby and New Conisborough. The estimate, which amounted to £233 4s and been forwarded to the County Council with the request that they would see that the work was done, the footpaths being on the side of the Main Road.
In reply the County Council offered to grant the sum of £116.10 shillings towards expenditure. In regard to this matter, Mr Harrison (the chairman of the Highway Committee) moved:
“That the Council do not accept the offer of the West Riding Council to contribute half the estimated cost of the proposed improvements to the street crossings on the Denaby Main footpath, and that the Surveyor be instructed to at once, repair the footpath with the same material as it is now composed of.”
He said they were constantly having complaints from Conisborough and Denaby Parish Councils and also from the representatives of those districts as to the deplorable condition of the footpaths. The rural Council, had endeavoured as far as possible to put them in such a state of repair as they thought was necessary. Now, after several months work on the part of the staff in correspondence with the County Council, they were offered just one half of the cost.
The whole of the district in the rural area contributed their quota to the County rate, and he could not see why the County Council in return should not contribute towards the maintenance of the footpaths. He wished the people of Conisborough, to know that the only reason the Rural Council refused to carry out the work was because the County council only wished to pay half the expense.
Mr Battey, seconded, and Mr Tune supported the resolution.
Mr W.H.Chambers said he quite agreed with what had fallen from the previous speakers. There was a very great deal of traffic upon the footpath, and if it was repaired again with the same material as before, it would not last long. That was a very foolish thing to do. It was a footpath on the Main Road, the repair which was vested entirely in the County Council and the County Council, had to pay the whole of the cost of maintaining the road. If the County Council liked to be so foolish and keep the footpaths constructed of material that does not last long, it did not see how the Rural Council could help it except to keep repairing the footpath with the same material until the County Council got tired of paying for it and began to repair it with something better. (Hear, hear).
The resolution was accepted