Sheffield Independent March 8th 1888
Fatal Accident at Denaby Main Colliery.
Yesterday afternoon at the Reresby , Arms, an inquest was held, before Mr Wightman, coroner, on the body of John Humphries, a Collier, aged 34, who was killed in the mine on Monday. The manager of the colliery (Mr Chambers) was present at the enquiry. Henry Humphries, father of the deceased, and who is also a Collier at the mine, said his son was brought home dead about two o’clock on the afternoon of the day he was injured. He knew there was “a slip” in the working place where the deceased was, but he had not seen the place since the accident.
Samuel Humphries, brother of the deceased, said he was working with his brother at the time of the accident. It was about 12:30 o’clock, when the accident happened. Diseased was sitting holeing at the face, when there was a big bump, and the “cocker” flew out, “as suddenly as a man being shot.” The coal fell upon the deceased. After a lapse of about 10 min. His brother was reached, but he was then dead, and must have been killed instantaneously. The accident might have resulted from the existence of a “slip.” He knew of “the slip,” but he thought it was perfectly safe. Robert Wright, deputy, had been at the place the same day. He said nothing about the “slip,” and found no fault at all. There was another of his brothers present, and some of the call in falling struck him on the knee. That brother was sitting next to the deceased. The accident could not have been foreseen or avoided.
Robert Wright, the deputy, said he examined the place where the accident happened. He saw the “slip,” but thought it was impossible for an accident to occur, there. About a quarter of an hour after the accident he was on the spot, and he thought the cause of the fall was in “the bump,” which knocked the top prop away. The “slip” cause the cold to come over the “Cocker” and fall.
The Foreman said it was a clear case of accident will stop the best man in the world could not tell at times when “bumps” were going to occur.
A verdict of accidental death was returned.