Mexborough and Swinton Times January 2.
The Denaby and Cadeby Strike.
Final “Ultimatum” Issued by the Colliery Company.
Men given until Saturday to again Sign On.
If Declined, Evictions to Be Promptly Proceeded with.
27th Week of the Stoppage.
Latest Details.
A number of miners and their wives and families left Denaby Main on thursday in order to avoid being evicted. Some have found temporary accommodation with relatives and othershave obtained lodgings in the district.A feeling of great uneasiness prevails.
It is rumoured that a number of men, have “signed on” to go to work, but it will not be known until the day for the evictions to what extent this may be true.
Superintendent Blake, of Doncaster, again visited Denaby on Wednesday, and gave instructions to the police.
There is great regret on the part of the general public, and particularly amongst the trades people in andaround Mexborough, that the grievanceshave not been settled amicably.
The miners officials are arranging for the erection of several tents in a field near Sparrow Barracks, and have also made arrangements with several local owners of clubrooms, and other large buildings, for the storage of families and their belongings.
The police are in full force at Denaby, but everything is quiet. The mounted police are at call, and no breach of the peace is anticipated.
A mass meeting of the miners is to be held on Friday at 11 AM at Denaby Main between the bridges, full particulars of which will appear in our next issue.