South Yorkshire Times June 8
Former Denaby Man is First Citizen
A Denaby Main man, who left the district some years ago, and was at one time a gas fitter at Denaby and Cadeby Collieries, Mr Frank Arthur Travis, has become chairman of Swadlincote Urban District Council, with which authority he once served as an employee.
Councillor Travishas served 13 years on the Counsel. He is employed by the National Coal Board at Stanhope Colliery, Bretby.
Warmtributes were paid toCouncillor Travis’s work and ability. Councillor Holmes, who moved his election, said of him, “he has worked on all committees and everyone round this table knows that Frank Travis is a most enthusiastic and conscientious member of the Council.”
It was not only Council work that made a good chairman, he said, Councillor Travis also possessed the other qualities which were necessary for the post.
Seconding the election, Councillor the reverent S.Crawford said. “I am happy to do so, not only because of personal friendship, but because I am sure Councillor Travis will bring to the high office much richer experience which he has gained in his years of service to the authority.”
His Denaby Main friends will join in sending through this medium, their congratulations and good wishes to him. We are indebted to Councillor Travis’s sister, Mrs Hooley, of 117, Tickhill Street, Denaby Main, for giving us the opportunity of seeing a newspaper accounts of the election.
Cllr Travis’s parents, the late Mr and Mrs Travis, lived in Rossington Street, Denaby Main for many years.