Glassblower Brothers in Trouble at Conisborough

April 1880

Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 9.

Drunk at Conisborough.

Frederick Day, glassblower, Conisborough, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at that place on the 26th ult.

Sgt Morley deposed at about 5:40p.m. he was called to a disturbance near the Eagle and ChildInn and found the defendant drunk, cursing, and swearing, and 200 or 300 people around him. Witness requested him to go home, but he refused to do so, and wanted to quarrel with the officer.

Inspector Beevers deposed that he was on duty at Conisborough and saw the defendant creating a disturbance. He would not go away until witness threatened to lock him up. Subsequently he went to the Castlegate, and producing a piece of paper asked if witness thought he was drunk.

In answer to Mr Hall, witness denied that he seized the defendant by the neck and pushed him forward.

PC Cade gave similar evidence, adding that the inspector took defendant by the arm, and asked him to go home.

PC Munro, corroborated, and in answer to Mr Hall said he called “fresh” drunk.

Mr Hall produced a certificate from Mr Hill, surgeon, Conisborough to the effect that the defendant was sober, and not drunk as alleged by the police officers.

The Chairman said the magistrates could have no hesitation in coming to the conclusion that the defendant was drunk and very disorderly, and added that in a little over two years there were seven convictions against him, four of which were for drunkenness.

He was fined 20 shillings and 15s 6d costs.

Henry Day, glassblower, brother of previous defendant, was charged with committing a similar offence at the same time and place.

The case was proved by Sgt Morley, and the evidence was somewhat similar to the previous defendant.

The defendant, who had been convicted 16 times, was fined 40 shillings and costs.

He did not appear, and was represented by Mr Hall.

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