Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 27.
Indian Famine Fund Formed at Conisborough.
A desire having been expressed by several people living at Conisborough that a township fund should be started in aid of the Lord Mayor of London’s Indian famine fund, a meeting was held on Friday evening in last week, for the purpose of making arrangements for the collecting of subscription.
The meeting was held in the church School room, and there was not a large attendance, owing, no doubt, to a heavy thunderstorm that raged for the greater part of the evening.
The meeting consisted of the following: the reverent W.A. Strawbridge, vicar; the reverent, J.W. Smith, Wesleyan minister; the reverent D.Martin, a Baptist minister; Mr Godfrey Walker, Mr Caleb Kilner, Dr Craik, Mr Croft (representing the. Primitive Methodists) and Mr Handley. The vicar was voted to the chair.
He expressed regret that the adverse weather and interfered with the attendance, and said the meeting was of a preliminary character, as there must be some means of starting a scheme devised. They knew that amongst the Wesleyan of the parish, there was a movement for a special collection on a certain day.
In the Church of England the Mission Societies were receiving money to dispense amongst the famine stricken people from a religious point of view as missionaries and workers of Christ to endeavour to feed the hungry and ministered to the wants of those who were in distress.
At the same time they were aware that there was the Lord Mayor of London’s Mansion House Fund, which was a national fund, irrespective of any denomination or creed. He believed that fund had come to about £300,000.
It had been said that last time the endearing Family Formed reached £1 million or more, therefore, as the present time. It was worse than any that have preceded it. For many years, it was quite clear there was great need of money still.
He thought Conisborough might do something in a representative way. His view was that they should not send the money from Conisborough through one denomination or another, but that they should have some representative committee formed to raise money in some special way, and represent the parish township of Conisborough.
He had been informed that at the first meeting held for the purpose of raising money for the Indian famine fund at Mexborough about £60 was obtained, and he thought that with some systematically effort £50 might be raised in Conisborough. He had contributions already in hand from Crookhill to be added to the Conisborough fund. Mrs Woodyeare had sent £5, and Miss Preston had sent a similar amount.
Continuing. Mr Strawbridge briefly referred to the urgent necessity there was a rendering assistance to the famine stricken natives of India.
Mr Godfrey Walker thought the best plan would be to divide the township into collecting districts, and make a house-to-house canvas. That, he thought, was the only way they will be able to raise a substantial sum.