Mexborough Times, November 15, 1919
Denaby Main Accident.
Old Workman´s Tragic End
Frederick Nicholson (42), a colliery dataller, of 68, Doncaster road, Conisbrough, was killed in the Barnsley seam of the Denaby Colliery on Thursday by a fall of roof. The inquest was conducted by Mr Frank Allen on Thursday.
Percy Brown, 16, Herbert Street, Mexborough, was working alongside diseased at the time of the accident. They were engaged in making a “back,” and diseased was filling dirt tubs. About 11:40 AM there was a crash, and witness heard someone shout “Oh!”he and a fellow workmen very to the spot where deceased had been working, and discovered that a “fall” had taken place will stop. Diseased was completely buried. He was extricated in a few minutes, but died almost immediately.
William Henry Cooke, five units Street, Mexborough, deputy, visited the place a few minutes before the accident, and he considered it was quite safe.
Expressions of sympathy were made with the widow by Mr Arthur Roberts, on behalf of the Y.M.A., by the coroner, and the jury.
Mr H.C.Harrison, onbehalf ofthe colliery company, also expressed sympathy. That was a regrettable accident, and rendered all the more tragic because the widow, was left with a large and young family.
Nicholson was one of a type a workman whowas getting scarce- he could be trusted to do anything in the mine. He was a very old servant.
“Accidental death” was the verdict