South Yorkshire Times January 20, 1968
Photo from Cleethorpes
Old South Yorkshire friends will be interested to see this happy photograph of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchinson, of Cleethorpes, taken on their Golden Wedding anniversary.
Formerly of Balby Street, Denaby, Mr. Hutchinson, who is now 80 was manager of Hunter’s Tea Store, Conisbrough, for 25 years and left Conisbrough in 1937 to become a grocery manager in Maltby.
He retired to Cleethorpes 13 years ago. Mr. Hutchinson won the Military Medal in 1914-18 war and the award, and a gold Hunter watch given by Conisbrough Heroes Committee, were presented to him at Conisbro’ Picture Hall in 1917.
Mrs. Hutchinson (née Lindley) was born in Northcliffe Road, Conisbrough. She is 77. The photo is by Harold Hunsley, of Maltby.
Original Wedding and Photos ;
Conisbrough Military Wedding – Hutchinson – Lindley (picture)