Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 25.
Conisborough Cricket Club.
Professional joins the Imperial Yeomanry
Medal for Professor Bilboa
The first meeting this season, of the Conisborough Cricket Club was held at the club house, the Red Lion Hotel, on Wednesday evening. There was a fair number of members present, Mr W.W.Norwood was elected chairman. Mr H Marshall, the secretary was also present.
The Chairman said he hoped that all the members of the club would stick to gather as they had done in the past record and if they did that he was sure that they would have a successful season. They had some important business to bring before them that night. The secretary had received a letter from their professional – F.White – whom they had engaged for the season in which stated that he had joined the Imperial Yeomanry. That placed them in an awkward position. They would have to look about for another man. He thought that they could not do without a professional to keep the club up to the present pitch, which they had arrived at.
They were in the Mexborough and District, League, which consisted of some very good clubs. They also had a very good ground.
The secretary then read a letter from their professional, which stated that he had joined the Imperial Yeomanry, and therefore he would not be able to fulfil his engagement, as he sailed for South Africa the following week. He hoped that they would be able to obtain a suitable man.
The secretary also read a letter from the reverent W.A.Strawbridge (the captain of the first team), regretting his inability to attend the meeting.
In regard to a professional for the ensuing season, the question was raised as to whether they could obtain the services of Bilbrough, their last years pro
it was ultimately decided that the secretary write Bilbrough, and offer him 35 shillings a week and a benefit if he would be their professional for the season.
The second a stated that he had in reply to the letter to Matt Harrison, who was professional for Denaby the previous season, a telegram stating that he had already been engaged; he was sorry that Conisborough, was so late.
The chairman stated that he had heard that Messrs Bates Central Stores and Messrs Gun and Moore, of Nottingham, kept a list of professional men who were out of situations.
It was decided to write the firms.
In regard to the Sports committee it was proposed that a meeting be held at that house on Monday next. The Chairman said that they had had three years of wet weather, more or less. He hoped they would have a fine day this year for the sports.
It was decided on the motion of the Chairman, that the meeting of the Sports Committee be held alternately at every licensed house in Conisborough, the next meeting to be held at that house (Red Lion), at 7:30 pm on Monday next. He was also decided to hold the committee meetings of the club at eight o’clock every Tuesday evening at the club house.
The next item of business, was the presentation of a medal to Professor Bilboa, of Lincoln, who delighted the company so much at the annual dinner of the cricket club, which was held on Saturday evening. The medal, which was a silver one with a gold centre, was supplied by Mr Lawton of Church Street, Conisborough.
The Chairman said they had had a very successful dinner on Saturday last; as they were splendidly entertained by Professor Bilboa, it was suggested that they present the Professor with a medal in honour of the event. They did not regard it for its intrinsic value, but rather as a token of esteem; it would be something for him to take away from Conisborough, and the Professor no doubt would prize it. The medal was not of any great value, but it was as much as they could afford just then. He then presented the Professor with the medal.
Professor Bilboa, in reply, stated that he did not know how to express his feelings on the great honour they had conferred upon it. He knew he was going to be presented with something, but he never anticipated anything like that. He would value the medal. He would always try and help them if he could, and he will come to Conisborough and give his services free – not too many times – but perhaps twice a year. (Applause.)
The Professor then gave another exhibition of his skill in conjuring etc, which delighted the audience immensely, and created roars of laughter. No doubt Professor Billboa is the cleverest conjurer that has ever visited Conisborough and they will no doubt long remember his visit
Well the internet of things has worked for us on this occasion. Proff Bilboa was our Great-grandfather and we have been searching for a little more info on this colourful character. It sounds as if he made a great impression. Is there any record of what this medal may have looked like? We have a few pictures of him performing, maybe he wore the medal sometimes?