Mexborough & Swinton Times January 06, 1923
Scene at a Denaby Hotel
Miner Sent to Prison for Assault.
The story of a remarkable scene in the Denaby Main Hotel on New Year´s Eve was described at the Doncaster West Riding Police Court, yesterday (Thursday), when Walter Tingle, a young man who was described as being of no occupation, was charged on remand with having used obscene language at New Conisborough, on December 30 th , with having been disorderly, and with refusing to quit the Denaby Main Hotel on the following night, with damaging a table, and, further, with assaulting P.C. Lund.
He was brought up in the first instance on Monday morning, when he applied for an adjournment in order that he could obtain legal assistance, complaining that he was only charged twenty minutes prior to being brought before the magistrates.
The Superintendent of Police (Mr. A. J. Minty), however explained that this was not so, that he was charged the previous night, and he must be referring to another charge which would be preferred against him.
On Thursday, when he was brought up, he was asked by the Clerk if he was legally represented, and he said he was not, whereupon, Mr. Minty reminded the magistrates that they adjourned the case to enable the prisoner to obtain legal advice, but, under the circumstances, the case might as well have been disposed of then. It had put them all to inconvenience.
The prisoner pleaded guilty to using obscene language, being disorderly and refusing to quit, but he said the table was accidentally knocked over. He also denied assaulting the police.
Mr. Minty said the language case was a shocking one, and he had gone to the trouble of subpoenaing private witnesses. It was abominable language.
Mr. W. I. Gibbs, the landlord of the Hotel was called as to the damage. The prisoner snatched at it and pulled the sides out during the disorder.
P.C. Lund said at 10.5 p.m. on the 31 st December, he was called to the hotel. When he got inside he saw the prisoner near the counter, using very bad language. The landlord, in his presence, asked him to leave several times, but he refused. Witness then asked him to quit, but prisoner at once put himself into a fighting attitude, rushed at him, and struck him with his fist on the side of the jaw. He also “kneed” him in the body. He closed with him, and they fell to the ground, where with the assistance of the barman, he handcuffed him. Prisoner continued kicking and struggling. Eventually, they got him outside, where a large crowd had gathered. Sergt. Elliott and P.C. Roberts came up at the time, and they took him to the police-station. He was violent all along the road, and behaved like a madman. When he got inside the station he could do nothing but swear and curse.
Mr. Minty: Did he make use of a certain threat? – Yes, sir, he said that when he got outside he would ——- Kill me.
Replying to the defendant, witness said defendant struck him across the jaw, and there was still a mark. He had not been off duty, but he still felt the effects of the blows. He had not been under medical treatment.
The prisoner alleged it was all made up.
Supt. Minty: If this case had been dealt with on Monday you could have shown marks of the assault? – Yes, sir.
They were very patent to the ordinary observer? – Yes, sir.
Did you give him any provocation at all? – No, sir.
You had not spoken to him before he rushed at you? – Only to ask him to leave.
He was the only person left in the house? – Yes, sir.
And he was setting the landlord and his servants at defiance? – He was.
Harry H. Hare, the barman, gave similar evidence. The prisoner went into the bar at 9.40, and witness served him. He seemed to be sober. After this, there was a quarrel between him and another man, and witness immediately went round and asked them to go out. Prisoner refused, and started using bad language. Witness called Mr. Gibbs, who also asked him to go but he again refused, and the police were called in. Prisoner used very bad language.
Mr. Gibbs said the man´s language was something abominable. He pulled the table towards him with the remark “Now fetch me out if you can.”
Replying to the prisoner, Mr. Gibbs said he could not say whether he used his knee on the officer for feet and legs were “going like clockwork.”
The prisoner, on oath, said he went into the house about 7 o´clock, and remained until 10. He remained behind after time had been called because he knew he would be set upon if he went out. He pulled the table towards him so they could not drag him out. The officer came in and dragged him to the ground. He denied he struck the constable, only resisted him.
Supt. Minty: You refused to leave because you were afraid? – Yes.
How do you account then for the hostility of the crowd to the police?- They were going to attack me.
After a short retirement the magistrates found prisoner guilty. The chairman, Mr. W. Hinchcliffe, fined him 40s. For using obscene language, £5 for being disorderly and refusing to quit, 20s. For damaging the table, and for the assault on the police he was sent to gaol for three months.
Prisoner: Thank you.
The Chairman added that the Bench were determined to protect the police and respect able citizens.