School Board Election – Notice on Church and Chapel Doors

July 1880

Mexborough and Swinton Times, July 2.

School Board Election – Notice on Church and Chapel Doors

According to notices now placed on the churchand chapel doors, it appears that the time is again come for the rate payers to say who shall preside over the education of the rising generation of the parish.

In choosing a new Board the ratepayers will do well to consider the suitability of the candidates who shall present themselves for election. Whilst there can be no greater folly than choosing an illiterate person to say what shall and what shall not be taught in our schools, it behoves the ratepayers to choose also men whose business capabilities enable them to know well how to spend the money.

Hitherto the ratepayers have had to dig very deeply into their pockets to satisfy the acquisitive propensities of the board, and the wonder is that a parish which enjoyed anything but a submissive reputation should so long and quietly be submitted to the iron grip of the Board.

A board which can quietly contemplate giving away a cottage which brings to revenue account seven pounds per annum is scarcely the one that can satisfy the already overburdened ratepayers, and the electors will now have the chance of putting their veto upon such conduct.

In choosing the new Board, the leading consideration shall be, that the candidates be not only men who are qualified to see the Education Act thoroughly carried out, but also men who are bound to the strictest economy

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