Mexborough Times, February 22, 1878.
Selling Beer Without a Licence
Joseph Swaby, Conisbrough, was brought up charged with selling intoxicating drink there without a licence, on the 10th
PC Garner said on Sunday last, about 9.30he was on duty at Conisbrough and saw Mrs Helen Rody go to defendant’s house with two pitchers in her hand.
She had got a pint in each pot. He heard the defendantdraw downthe beer and give the change and take the pay for it. Asked defendant if that was what he did. He made no answer.
Followed into the kitchen and taste the liquor.He drewit from a barrel in the cellar.
Mrs Rody said she was the wife of Michael Rody. Last Sunday, she went to Swaby´s house and at the backdoor asked for a quart of beer. She had two pitchers. Got the beer, gave defendant half a crown (12 ½ p) and he returned two shillings (10p) back. The constables then came in.
They could get it there when the public houses were closed. Defendant, in answer to the charge, said he kept a supply of beer because he had lodgers. It was a “madeup thing” with the police as the half crown was marked.
Sgt Morley said there have been many complaints made about this sort of thing at Conisbrough.
Fined £10 and 17s expenses, or three months in default.