Jan 20 th Sheffield Telegraph
Stealing Tinned Rabbit – Perjury by a Witness.
John Leadbetter, Collier, Denaby, was charged with stealing a two pound can of Preserve Rabbit, the property of Messrs Porter and Crowercroft, of Rotherham, at Denaby, on Saturday evening last.
Mr F Parker Rhodes prosecuted.
On Saturday night the prosecutors were selling provisions from a cart at Denaby. Amongst other goods they had with them a number of tins of preserved Rabbit, which were worth 1s 10d (8p) each. About seven o’clock Porter missed a tin of Rabbit, which was subsequently found in the prisoner’s possession by Police Constable Midgley.
The prisoner said that he bought the can off Porter for 8d, and called a witness named Henry Haycock, Collier, employed at Denaby, who swore that he heard Porter tell the prisoner that the price of the can was 8p, and heard the prisoner say that he would have one. He also saw the prisoner, getting his money out of his pocket to pay for the can.
The prisoner was committed to gaol for one month.
On the application of Mr Rhodes, the Magistrates granted a warrant for the apprehension of Haycock for perjury.
Inspector Parker charged him, and he replied “guilty.” He was committed for trial at the Assizes.
March 17, Sheffield Telegraph
A Rotherham Perjury Case.
At the Leeds Assizes, on Saturday, before Mr Justice Lopes, George Henry Haycock, a miner, of Denaby, was arraigned for committing wilful and corrupt perjury at the Rotherham Police Court, on January 15.
He gave evidence onbehalf of a man who was charged with stealing a tinof rabbit on the Saturday previous, and swore that he heard the prisoner asked the prosecutor the price of the tin and the latter reply that it was 8p.
These statements were flatly contradicted by the prosecutor, and his assistant. A warrant was issued for the prisonersapprehension on the charge of perjury, and the case was heard the same day.
He pleaded guilty, and was committed to the Assizes.
On Saturday, the jury found him guilty, and he was sent to gaol for six months hard Labour.