Mexborough and Swinton Times, February 18.
Temperance Meeting.
On tuesday evening last the Wesleyan schoolroom was well filled by a respectable audience, drawn together by a bill announcing that “the Good Templars were coming,” and also announcing that the members of the order would attend in their regalia.
Many persons were disappointed that the latter part of the announcement was not adhered to, however, so far as entertainment was concerned, there was no need of complaint.
Mr Foster, of Doncaster, presided, and apologised to the meeting for the misunderstanding concerning the regalia, and trusted that at some not very distant day, they might have the opportunity of again visiting their Conisborough friends, when they would attend in the habiliments of their order.
Miss Foster then contributed a recitation, entitled, “if you would be a teetotaller.”; Mr Sigson a song, “Thinking of Home”; Mr H Taylor, a recitation, “The Fireman´s Wedding,”
brother Bernard, D.C.T., I.O.G.C., then gave an able address, in which he urged the boys to learn to say “No,” whilst boys and also by acquiring the practice of thrift whilst young, secure themselves from temptation to squander their hard earned wages when they became men.
He eulogised the claims of Good Templary, and trusted that a lodge might again be formed in Conisborough and so worked as to become a mighty power for good in the neighbourhood.
Mr Hirst then favoured with a song; Mr Archer a recitation, “Woman’s rights”; Mr Hobson, a song, “See that my grave is kept green; Mr Watson, a recitation, “William Tell”; and Mr H Taylor, a song, “Little sister´s gone to sleep.”
There were about 60 members of the Order present.
At the conclusion the ordinary vote of thanks were duly accorded and a collection made to defray expenses.