With many thanks to contributions and information from relatives, descendants, the National Census and Doncaster Archives and Local Studies Heroes and Victims
Ackroyd, William
Alderson, Charles
Beech, James
Berry, Willie
Boycott, Joseph
Bungard, Robert Peel Ivema
Burdekin, James
Burns, James
Burns, Thomas
Bury, Charles
Cain, Hugh
Carlton, John William
Carroll, Arthur
Chambers, Douglas
Chapman, Robert William
Cody, Thomas
Croxall, Eli
Cusworth, Herbert
Davis, William Charles
Denton, George Royds
Dove, William
Dungworth, Arthur
Eddington, Robert Neil
Ellis, Sydney
Evans, Phillip George
Evans, Thomas Emrys
Fleck, Thomas
Fletcher, Charles William
Fletcher, John
Flynn, Arthur
Fox, Joseph Benjamin
Frankland, William
Gascoyne, Richard
Godsmark, William H.
Green, William
Green, William (2)
Hancock, Tobias
Hayden, Michael
Henderson, Edward
Heptinstall, George
Hewitt, Henry Richard
Hindson (Hinton), George
Horsfall, Frederick William
Humphries, William
Hunt, Charles Albert
Jackson, Samuel
Johnson, Charles
Jordan, Matthew
Kelsall, John William
Lambert, William
Marrow (Marsden), John
McDonagh, James
Mulhearn, John
Mulrooney, Martin
Neal, Herbert
Nicholson, Percy Edgar
Phillips, Jarrett
Pickering, William Henry
Prince, Charles Edward
Radley, Charles William Phillip
Richardson, Frederick
Rodgers, Cyrus
Roodhouse, Joseph
Ross, Joseph
Rowell, Arthur Edward
Sanders, Samuel Thomas
Shuttleworth, Joseph
Smith, John
Springthorpe, James
Springthorpe, James (Junior)
Springthorpe, James (Senior)
Springthorpe, James (Senior)
Springthorpe, James (Senior)
Springthorpe, James (Senior)
Steadman, (Young) George
Stone, Frederick
Stribley, Thomas
Summerscales, William
Talbot, Timothy Smith
Tarbrook, John William
Thompson, Henry (Harry)
Thompson, James
Tickle, Gilbert Young
Tuffrey, Charles Edgar & Edmund Jesse
Turner, Joseph
Wallace, William Henry
Walsh, Thomas
Walton, Frank
Ward, Benjamin
Waters, William David
Webster, Samuel
Whitton, George
Williams, Thomas Samuel
Wimpenny, Richard
Wood, Frank
Wraithmell, Thomas