Wills from the 18th Century

FFrancis Armitage

Robert Clough

Robert Gleadhill


16th November 1779

Last Will and Testament of Ffrancis Armitage in the name of God Amen.

This is the Last Will and Testament of Ffrancis Armitage of Conisbrough in the County of York, Yeoman.

First I will and direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and the legacies herein after by me given shall be fully paid and satisfied by my executor hereafter named.

Also I give and devise all that cottage tenement situate at Conisbrough aforesaid wherein my son Thomas Armitage now lives together with the appurtenances thereto belonging unto my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Armitage for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease I give and devise that same unto my son Thomas Armitage to his heirs and assignes for ever.

Also I give and bequeath unto my said wife Elizabeth one annuity or clear yearly payment of ten pounds for and during the term of her natural life to be paid to her or her assignes by my executive hereafter named by half yearly payments for the first half yearly payments thereof to begin and be paid at the end of six months next after my decease.

Also I will and direct that my said wife shall have the choice of such furniture in my now dwelling house as will be sufficient for the furnishing of two rooms and I do hereby charge all my messuages cottages lands tenements hereditaments and premises with the payment of the said annuity or yearly sum of ten pounds to my said wife aforesaid and the same are hereby charged and chargeable herewith.

Also I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Armitage the sum of forty pounds to be paid to him by my executor hereafter named within twelve months next after my decease.

Also I give and bequeath unto my son Philip Armitage the sum of twenty pounds to be paid by my executor within twelve months of my decease.

Also I give and devise unto my said son Ffrancis Armitage his heirs and assigns forever all and singular my messuages cottages lands tenements hereditaments and premises situate and lying at Conisbrough aforesaid for elsewhere within the kingdom of Great Britain. To hold the same and every part thereof unto my said son Ffrancis his heirs and assigns forever to the payment of the mortgage debt now upon the same.

And also to the payment of the said annuity live in before by me given to my said wife aforesaid. And to all my ready money and securities for money goods cattle chattels plate and all other my personal estates and effects whatsoever the same are and by (except such goods and furniture as my said wife shall think proper to take for the furnishing of the said two rooms) I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof he my son Ffrancis Armitage her executor and administrators and lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said son Thomas Armitage sole executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby reverting and making.

The mark of Ffrancis Armitage

Witnesses: Benj Stringer John Pindar William Smith


18th October 1753

Will of Robert Clough

With view of Frankpledge of our Sovereign the King and Great Court Baron and customary court of his Grace the Most Noble Lord Thomas Duke of Leeds Lord of the Manor aforesaid in and for the said Manor the eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord Christ 1753 before William Marsden Steward before the suitors of the said Court.


Mr John Howard William HowardWilliam Ffores

John FfrostMatthew Watson Peter Hollines

Samuel Parkin Thomas NicholsonJonathan Clough

James Brownell John Wardingley Thomas Brewster

William BrownellThomas Darley Henry Curtis

At the Court the homage aforesaid do find and present that Robert Clough lately died seized of a ffreehold estate situate at Trumfleet within the manor aforesaid which he hold of the Lord of the said Manor in free and common socage by fealty suit of Court from three weeks to three weeks and other services therefore amiently due and that he devised the same by will to Jonathan Clough his son who being present in Court and having done his fealty to the Lord and paid the usual fee is admitted tenant to the same under the like customs duties and services above mentioned.


24th October 1753

Robert Gleadill

At this Court it is presented by William Marsden Gentleman Steward of the said Manor that Robert Gleadill of Micklebring in the Parish of Braithwell in the County of York and said Manor of Conisbrough yeoman, did out of the Court of the Manor of the Manor aforesaid (to wit) the twentie fourth day of October now last past by the hands ? of him the said Steward and by a straw surrender into the hands of the Lord of the said Manor according to the custom thereof. All and singular his customary copyhold messuages cottages lands closes tenements and hereditaments situate lying and being in Conisbrough aforesaid or elsewhere within the said manor with their oath and every …………. Their rights members and appurtinances to such uses intents and purposes as the said Robert Gleadill shall will or may in and by his last Will and Testament by him duly exempted in the presence of and attested by three or more sworn witnesses direct declare devise limit or appoint and to or for no other intent or purpose whatsoever.

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