Able Seaman J Alpine, R.N.D.
Ravenfield Street, Denaby main, has been wounded a second time, and is at present in a V.A.D.Hospital near Rugby. He was hit during the attack on Cambrai on September 27. He is making excellent progress
Rifleman Sam Lee,
41 Bolton Street,
has been wounded a second time, and is now in hospital in Keighley. He is in the K.R.R.and joined up in the early stages of the war.
A.B.Frank M Swinyard, Anson Battalion, R.N.D.,
son of Mr and Mrs George Swinyard, aged 20, of 72 Tickhill Street, Denaby main, has been admitted to hospital at Abbeville France,owing towounds received in action on 28 September in the right leg and arm. He has now been removed to hospital at Bridge of Weir, Scotland, and is doing well. He enlisted April 12, 1918, prior to which he was employed at Denaby main colliery