1878 – 27% Reduction in Pay

Assaulting a Policeman who Interfered

Colliery Accident – Edward Roddy

James Whittaker of Coinisboro’ Again

Suicide on Railway at Conisboro’

The Case for a Police Station at Conisboro’


Nine Year old Boy Burned to Death at Denaby.

Bowling a Turnip – Assault at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ School Board – Letter of Resignation

Drunk and Riotous at Conisboro’

Drunken Woman at Conisboro’

Mischievous Boys

Selling Beer without a Licence

Stealing Quick Wood at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ School Board – New School Mistress

Fatal Accident at Denaby Main – William Harthill

Pocket Picking at Conisboro’ Station

Pocket Picking at Conisbro’ Station – The true story of the Recapture

Miners Meeting – 200 Men Present

Assault by Stones and Names at Conisboro’

Conisboro’ Cricket

Gambling at Conisboro’ on Good Friday

Good Friday

Heavy Punishment of Pickpockets

Strange Theft by Heartless Daughter

Threatening Language among Women at Conisboro’

Troublesome Customers at the Reresby Arms

University Students at Conisborough

Whooping Cough

Meeting at Denaby – Mr Rymer’s Accident

Absenting Himself from Service

Accidents at Denaby Main

Conisboro’ and Denaby Cricket

Meeting of Miners – Speaker falls down Stairs

Unrequited Hospitality

Damaging Grass at Conisboro’

Accident at Denaby Main

Discovery of Bones of Extinct Animals at Conisbrough.

Obtaining Two Shillings by False Pretences

The Feast

Great Meeting at Mexborough – Men given Notice

Cutting & Wounding by a Drunken Man at Denaby

Great Meeting of Miners from Denaby Main

Dispute Settled

Excursion of the Church of England Temperance Society

Temperance Society – American Speakers

Uncle Tom’s Cabin at the Methodist Church

Dispute – Circular from Miners

Dispute: Mass Meeting – Lock Out at Denaby

Dispute – State of Families and Businesses Sad

Dispute – Offer over a Whiskey Jug

Dispute – Police in Attendance at Colliery

Joseph ‘Salty’ Thompson – An Old Offender

Joseph ‘Salty’ Thompson – Rabbits

Local Honours at the Paris Exhibition – Kilner Brothers

The Working of the Game Laws

Throwing a Dog on a Fire at Denaby

Dispute – Workmen’s Circular

Dispute – Whisky Jug Discussions

Castle Football Club Paper Chase

Dispute – New Dispute over Check Weighman

Dispute – Dispute Settled for 5% – Another Dispute

Dispute – Dispute continues – Policemen at Pit

Dispute – Settlement of the Denaby Main Dispute.


Chrysanthemum Show