1940 Quarter 3


Conisbro’ Feast. – 40th Hospital Demonstration


Wedding – Cooper & Thomas – Cubs form Guard of Honour

Wedding – Smith & Appleyard (picture)

Wedding – Bailey & Neale (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Pit Stoppage – Denaby Main Unofficial

Civic Sunday – Impressive Parade at Denaby – Church Packed


Minister Leaving – Rev P.T. Hutchinson – Scout Movement Interest (picture)

Crime and Courts

Conisborough Woman’s Mistake – Ration Card Muddle


Denaby & Cadeby – South Kirkby 110 Denaby 101 – Exciting Decision at South Kirkby

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 74 for 1 Brodsworth 73 – Wathy’s good Work

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 68 Hickleton 69 for 3 – Hickleton too strong for Denaby

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 123 Firbeck 133 for 7 – Last Two Make a Bold Bid for Victory


Soldier – Coley, Albert – Bad News for Brother (picture)

Soldier – Milner, Kenneth – Reported Missing in France

Soldier – Westwood J. – No News for Ten Weeks (picture)

Airman – Wood, Eric – Sergeant Observer Killed

Soldier – Judge, Frank – 21 year old Missing in France – Reported Dead

Soldier – Dunn, Maurice – Prisoner of War – News after Ten Weeks

Soldier & Airman – Haughey, Harold and Fred – Resourceful Brothers (picture)

Soldiers – Jenkinson Brothers – Like the life, fit and well (pictures)

Soldiers – Jones Family – Two Generations – Three Sons and a Grandson

Soldier – Parker, Neville – R.A.F. for 3 1/2 Years (picture)

Soldier – Parkin, John William – Missing from Manchester Regiment

Soldier – Rookledge, Frank – Feels Fine (picture)

Soldier – White J. – Sailed for Palestine (picture)

Soldier – Pears J.T. – Mother Waits for News (picture)

Editorial – Into Battle

Editorial – The Battle for Britain

Editorial – Total Defence (audio)

Editorial – “Get On Wi’ Thi Laikin”


Denaby Man Killed – Thought Oncoming Car Was Bus

Conisboro´ Man in “Accra” – Rescued From Torpedoed Ship

Local Author

Septuagenarians Wed at Conisboro´

Wedding – Garforth & Huck (picture)

Weddings – Best & Biggin (picture)

Child’s Experience


Communal Shelters

Home Guard.

Special Constables Match – Denaby 104 for 4 Conisbro’ 64

Crime and Courts

Bad Boys.

D.C.M. Smart “Specials.”


Denaby & Cadeby – Brampton 125 Denaby 128 for 4 – Victory Hustle – 128 in 65 Minutes

Denaby & Cadeby – Denaby 98 for 2 Rossington 96 – Denaby Take Eight Catches

Denaby & Cadeby – Bullcroft 75 Denaby 178 – Denaby´s Away Victory

Football for Denaby ?


Soldier – Moore G. – Great War Veteran Missing (picture)

Airman – Wood, Eric – Airman Killed. (picture)

Sailor – Hooley, Alfred – First Denaby War Victim?

Soldier – Whitehead L.– Missing (photo)

Airman – Long, Arthur – Farm to R.A.F. (picture)

Airman – Pilling H. – Clever Young Airman (picture)

Soldiers – Burdett Family – Three Gone – Three Going

Soldiers – Coe, George & Ackroyd, William – Joined but not together

Soldier – Dunn, Maurice – Prisoner In Germany (picture)

Soldier – Holgate, Cyril – Experienced Campaigner

Soldier – Nicholson, George Howard – Cheery Letter Writer

Soldier – Rosser, George – Serving in Suffolk

Soldier – Evans F. – In From the Start (picture)

Soldier – Harland B. – Likes Army Life

Soldier – Levers S. – Very Enjoyable (picture)

Soldier – Pass W. – Fit as a Fiddle (picture)

Editorial – Blitzkrieg or Attrition ?

Editorial – Factors in the Fight

Editorial – Britain’s Battle Begins

Editorial – The Spell is Broken

Editorial – The First Year of Armageddon


Golden Wedding – Mr & Mrs Bungard (picture)

Wedding – Harrison & Beaumont – Accountant Weds at Denaby (picture)

Wedding – Benton & Scott (picture)

Wedding – West & Betteridge (picture)

Wedding – Mason & Crump (picture)

Industry and Commerce

Unusual Pithead Mishap – Denaby Man Trapped by Steel Door

First Class Mines Manager’s Certificate – Gilbert Moore (picture)


New Methodist Minister – Rev W Thynne (picture)

Crime and Courts

Denaby Man for Trial – Brawl with Father


Denaby & Cadeby C.C. – Denaby 203 for 8 Bullcroft 158 – End Season With a Win

Denaby Utd – Denaby 8 Sheffield University 0 – United’s fine Display

Sport’s Doing its Bit


Soldier – Parkin, John – Prisoner in Germany (picture)

Soldiers – Westwood J., Milner K.T. and Dunn M – News of Missing

Soldier – Bingham, Ronald Lewis – War Victim – Body on French Coast

Soldier – Boulton, James – Air Raid Victim (picture)

Soldier – Bates T.H – Footballer Liking It (picture)

Soldier – Beachill James – Coldstream Guards (picture)

Soldiers – Finney, William & Richard – Conisborough Sportsmen (pictures)

Soldier – Ford, Job – War Prisoner (picture)

Sailor – Wheeliker R.H. – Service Snaps (picture)

Home Guard – Ambitious Exercise

Soldier & Airman – Kirby Brothers – Engineers & RAF

Soldier – Milner, Kenneth Trevor – Taken Prisoner

Pearson, Ernest – War Prisoner (picture)

Soldiers – Smith, Donald & Norman – Keen Readers (pictures)

Soldier – Fox W.G, – Service Snaps (picture)

Soldiers Thanks – Letters to Comforts Fund Treasurer

Spencer J.C. – Good Record (picture)

Airman – Thompson, Roland (Chick) – Airman Cricketer (picture)

Editorial – The Naval Deal

Editorial – “Bloody But Unbowed”

Editorial –  Hard Pounding.

Editorial – Reprisal