1887 Quarter 1
Cruelty to Pit Ponies at Denaby – Heavy Fine for 12 Year Old
Aggravated Assault
Cruelty to Pit Ponies at Denaby – Father’s Charge
Another Serious Accident at Denaby Main Colliery
Christmas Supper for Railwaymen
Conisborough Railway Station Broken Into
Death of Popular Conisborough Man
Serious Outbreak of Typhoid Fever
Sudden Death of a Denaby Collier
Taking Pipe and Matches Down the Pit
Theft of a Rug at Denaby Main
Industry and Commerce
Fatal Accident at the Denaby Main Colliery
Stack Fire
Denaby Main Institute.
The Outbreak of Typhoid
The Outbreak of Typhoid at Denaby Main
Crime and Courts
Alleged Swindling by a Book Canvasser
Queer Place for a Snooze.
Assault by a Woman at Denaby
Conisborough School Board
Conisbrough Case Discharged
Cruelty to a Pit Pony at Denaby
Fatal Accident At Denaby Main
Five Cases of Cruelty to Ponies in Denaby Main Colliery
Interesting to Miners – Alleged Theft of Tools at Denaby
Plate Layer Cut to Pieces – William Barrett
Severe Sentence on a Denaby Miner
Theft of a Waistcoat
Crime and Courts